3D Printed Resin Model Dropdownbox

3D Printed Resin Model Dropdownbox

I was wondering about the 3D Printed Resin Models Drop down box and how other easyrx users use it?
If Doctor wants Upper and Lower 3D Printed models do I have to make one of the drop downs "Upper and Lower 3D Printed Models" and double the price since it is really 2 models, Or do I just have "3D Printed Model" and have them click the "add a second set" check box?
The reason I ask is that I want to track how many arches I print in the "Stats" area but If I have "Upper and Lower 3D Printed Models" counts as 1 unit (See attachment)
Also if the upper arch needs to be full palate but the lower arch can be horseshoe and I have different prices set for each option how does the doctor choose 2 different 3D model options for the same patient?
Maybe I'm the only one thinking too hard about this? Any users out there suggestions how they use this feature?