Optimize performance recently.
You may have noticed a spike in the time it is taking for STL files to Optimize once uploaded. Recently, we've seen a significant increase in the number of STL files uploaded to EasyRx -- especially large batches of STL files being uploaded at once -- most likely for clear aligner workflow. For example, we may see 50 or 100 STL files uploaded in a few seconds. It is perfectly fine customers are doing this; we need to handle it better. The core issue is Optimize works on a first in / first out basis and when this happens, it takes a few minutes to process all the files. I guess think of it like a drive thru window, sometimes you pull up and no cars are in line and sometimes you pull up and you are 5th line because everyone arrived at the same time.
We are aware in the increased times and are working to reduce the optimize times. We added a 4th Optimize server to our infrastructure this afternoon (it is so powerful being on Amazon AWS platform!) to give us more CPU cycles to handle the increased load and spikes seen during the day. We're also evaluating what code changes we can make to deal with the extra load, especially when a bunch of files are uploaded simultaneously.
For now, please know we understand how slow optimize can impact your workflow. We are working diligently to address the issue as fast as we can.