2021 VisualDLP Updates

2021 VisualDLP Updates

Below is a running list of the enhancements and bug fixes for VisualDLP released in 2021

October 2021
User Definable Order tags are now available.  These can be setup with color-codes to make it easy to recognize tagged cases in the order list.  May also be set on doctor's record so all orders entered for the tagged doctor will get the same tags.

Capture Images from Document Cameras to add to Order files.  Can be used to document received case materials or contents of shipping boxes returned to the practices.

September 2021

Invoices can be batched emailed in a zip file from the account over page.

Most recently scanned activity is now available for search and on the quick view in the order list.

August 2021

Invoices can be emailed automatically when an order is invoiced, or on demand from the Things You Can Do menu.

Materials with lot numbers added to an Order can be linked to a specific product on the Order.  May also be displayed on the Invoice.  Materials and Product selection may also be added in the Employee  Interface.

New credit card payment options, EasyRx Pay, is now available for labs to sign up for.

June 2021

Added New Doctor Revenue Report.  Based on Date of First case between the Start and End Date parameter.

Added a new drop down for Specialty Type on the Doctor info page.

Patient Name, Pan Number and Shade will automatically capitalize when entered in lower case.  

Added a new credit application option, Unapplied.  This means a credit is added but it does not automatically apply against a charge.  

Added PO Number field to Account Settings.  Can be used on Invoices or Worktickets

Added an Email Log to see status of all emails sent from the system.      

Added COD flag on Account.  Also appears on Order Entry      

Added Sorting for Order List on Default View and Search Results

Added ability to Cancel an Order.  Retains history that the order was created but cancelled by the Practice.

May 2021

Users with permission can now disable logins.

Users can now edit their email address under User Settings

New Feature to Copy Special Prices to Another Account or Doctor

New Complaint Log Report Shows Complaints in Date Range

April 2021
Improved formatting and deliverability of module invitation emails.

Added Payment and Adjustment notes to search results.

Route was not appearing on schedule  pick-up form.

Setting an Order Out to Doctor and receiving it back in the lab correctly sets the status on return.

Invoice Print Queue clears now after printing and no duplicates are left in the queue.

March 2021

Reports menus have been moved to their own section in the main menu.

Now you can update all products with a discount and percentage by clicking the menu next to the discount percent.

Account Sales now include Order count in each department.

New Pricelist Report has been added.

Payment Receipt now contains the lab name and address, unapplied amount and payment remainder.

Finance Charges were not showing on the account adjustment screen.  They now appear.

Now you can edit the schedules of invoiced orders.

February 2021

Added Payment Number to payment and a payment receipt report.  (report  must be configured in Global Settings)

Added New Total on Payment Summary Page for payments listed in the date range shown.

Added new field, "Prescription" to the Units In Report

Added New Report "Sales By Route"
Fixed a bug that allowed users to add more than one activity on the Activities page.
Fixed a bug that created duplicate order notes when an order is rescheduled.
Fixed a bug that prevented to Prescription field from being updated in the search index when edited and saved
Fixed a bug that misreported payments entered on payment summary page when date range crossed UTC day threshold.  

January 2021

New Global Setting that controls whether Credit Invoices are automatically applied to the Invoice they are issued for or not.

 By Default this is turned off.  So if you want a newly created Credit Invoice to continue to apply against the order its created against (if its unpaid), you must turn this on.

Now you can Apply Unapplied Credits to open charges rather than oldest open balance. 

Fixed an issue in Account Statement Email.  Line breaks where not being respected in the formatting of the message.

Fixed issue Account Statement Logs.  Dates were showing in military time.  

Fixed issue Report Designer module, templates were running of the right side of the screen.

Fixed issue with Materials on Order only displaying 20 characters.

Proposals were showing up on the Un-Invoiced Order Report.  

Deleted Units were appearing on the production calendar report.

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