Below is a running list of the enhancements and bug fixes for VisualDLP released in 2023
A new option for zipping invoices has been added to the account page. From the transaction tab, select the invoices you want to download and zip, then select Zip Selected Invoices from the Things You Can Do menu.
Sales Volume Discounts. Now you can reward customers who pay off their balance with a discount based on sales. Discount tiers can be created in Global Settings and then accounts who have paid off their previous month's balance (and have no past due) can be given an A/R credit based on the tiers you establish.
User Definable Doctor Preferences. Now you can create standardized preferences that can be set for each doctor. Under User Settings, you can create your preferences and options, then in the doctor record, set the value for each preference type.
New User Setting "Print On Invoice". If set, when an order is invoiced, it will automatically be sent to the printer setup in User Settings for invoices.
New Date/Time field added to Order Entry. This is new field give order entry operators a place to specify when an order should be completed by. Currently, this is manually set at order entry.
In the Employee Interface, Batch Scanning and Location Scanning are now available after an employee has logged in an validated. Previously it was only available before the employee logged in.
Added Who Invoiced to Invoice Register report.
Added a new daily report that can be run daily to show In-process Orders, MTD, YTD and Annual Comparative Sales.
Fixed a bug with Mapping Product between EasyRx and VisualDLP. Some products would not get a unit price when added to an order from a prescription.
Fixed a bug in Batch Credit Card processing module. Payments were not being applied correctly to account balances.
Fixed a bug related to Order Tags, if a doctor had default order tags, and a user selected "Create New Order" from the Thing You Can Do menu in the order page, the previous order tags were being applied to the new order.
QZ Tray Auto reconnect. If VisualDLP lost the connection to QZTray, the user would have to reconnect it manually. Now, the system will reconnect on lost connections.
Added Is Alloy as a property to products. If set, the quantity of the line item will not change when the tooth numbers are changed.
Materials on the Order Entry page is now a pick list that can be edited in Settings or on the fly when an item is not found.
Added Product Type as a grouping on the Units In Dashboard Widget.
Added Three new endpoints to the Public API.
PublicApi/ GetProductPriceList
PublicApi/ GetProducts
Invoice Email settings where not be used in the account or global settings for batch invoicing.
If the Email Invoice setting was turned off on an account, the system would still send the email.
Some reports would not run from the Users Favorites menu. This is fixed.
Added emailing invoices when batch invoicing. Will send to the email invoice on file with the account.
· Added Product history audit log to track changes to Product records.
· Fixed issue with order tags not saving consistently.
Bug Fix · Fixed issue with Sales Tax by Location report
Bug Fix - Fixed issue with schedule table on order entry not displaying all activities
Added new Late Activities Report to show where the late Orders are, and where they should be.
· Updated view for complaints log to make it easier to delineate between records.
· Added a button to update email addresses for statements. Useful if the email was not on file when the statement was generated.
· Refactored Uninvoiced orders by ship date report to pull from order master table instead of search index.
Bug Fix· Fixed issue when adding Tooth to an order
Bug Fix· Fixed issue default quantity not persisting on Order line item
Location scanning dashboard. Now you can see the location of orders, grouped by route, that have upcoming due dates to ensure the are moving through the lab efficiently. Location scanning is done from the batch scanning interface and works independently of the production workflow activities.
Copy Special Prices to an Account or Doctor. This feature makes it easy to copy a set of special prices from one account or doctor to another in a batch. Simply select which you want to copy, then chose the doctor or account to copy to.
Copy Employee Activities from one employee to another. This feature enables you to easily copy the activities an employee is authorized to scan, from one employee to another.