Before you get started, it's important to know the architecture of EasyRx- it is a cloud-based platform meaning you can access your account from virtually anywhere, from any device, at any time. We only require you to have an internet connection and one of the latest browsers of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer. As an EasyRx lab, you are listed on our "EasyRx Connected Labs" list by default. This is a list of labs that all practices using EasyRx will be able to see when logged into their EasyRx account and then click our [Labs] page afterward. From the lab's page, they can see your lab as a choice on the list, then request to connect with your lab to submit Rxs to you. Your EasyRx Lab account supports receiving digital Rxs for both cases requiring plaster/physical impressions and digital scans!
Setup your EasyRx Connected Lab Account
Free On-Boarding and Training
We offer free on-boarding with an EasyRx Trainer. During the free on-boarding, we review account setup and using EasyRx Lab day to day. Follow this link to schedule free on-boarding: EasyRx Connected Lab On-Boarding
Connecting with your practices.
There are two ways to connect with practices, a practice sends you a connection request or you invite a practice to create an EasyRx account, to send you cases.
Practice Sends Connection Requests.
Any EasyRx practice can connect to your lab. The practice(s) will simply need to login to their EasyRx account, choose the [Labs] menu button, find your lab on the list of EasyRx Connected Labs, then request to [Connect to this lab]. Once a practice has requested to connect with your lab, you will have a notification on your EasyRx dashboard (home page after you login) showing a Connection Request from your practice(s). This is what you should see - be sure to click [approve]:
Inviting practices
Next - Getting your first Rx
Now that you are a connected lab, your practices can choose your lab when assigning a lab to submit their prescriptions. Your dashboard will show you a list of Submitted Prescriptions. As prescriptions come in, they will stack on top of one another in the rows shown below. You will notice there will be some prescriptions that are highlighted in green, others plain white (not highlighted).

- Green Highlights: The Rx has a digital model or has an iTero Case Order ID assigned. You shouldn't expect a physical impression or model to be sent to your lab. There may be STL (3D) files attached that your practice wants you to reference inside of the Rx or in the patient's file or the practice may have an alternative source for you to obtain it (TRIOS portal / 3Shape Communicate / etc).
- White (non highlighted): The Rx may be coming with a physical impression or model that is being shipped to your lab. The practice may have also specified an "Other" source. Please view the prescription to see where the model source needs to be obtained from.
As a massive perk, practices submitting physical impressions have the option of writing the "EasyRx Prescription ID" number on their boxes/baggies that their physical models are in. This eliminates the need for them to include a paper or printed lab slip inside their box. This Prescription ID is unique to EVERY Rx. Your EasyRx Lab dashboard allows you to easily match this ID by searching it on your Dashboard. The ID number will tell you exactly the patient/office/due date/appliance the model belongs to without needing any other information in the box besides the model(s) that go with it.
Should a box of models go missing/stolen, there will not be any sensitive patient data in the box except for this unique ID. Only your lab and the practice will know what this number is for.
When a practice sends you an Rx, it is important to know that they have a nifty Workflow Tracker that shows them the status of the prescription. You, as the lab, also have access to see what your Practices see on this workflow. When a practice first submits an Rx, it will show as [Submitted] as seen below. You may view the current workflow of a case by clicking [View] next to the appropriate Rx on your dashboard.
Important Note:
As a lab, you will also have the ability to see your Practice's prescriptions if they are currently in their [Saved] section, before they are submitted to you. This happens when a practice starts creating a prescription, chooses your lab as the lab they will be submitting to, and either saves the prescription or needs to come back to finish it. They get pulled into the practices [Saved] Rx's queue. Prescriptions that are in the practices [Saved] queue will show on your [Prescriptions] page. You will know these are not yet submitted because the workflow tracker will not show as Submitted yet.
This is intentional behavior because there may be times the practice will need the labs guidance on properly configuring an Rx before they submit, allowing for collaboration. As a lab, you should focus on the Rx's that exist on your dashboard as those are ones that have been physically submitted for processing.
Recommended workflow: Once you receive your first case, you should first [View] it to ensure you can verify what it is your lab needs to process and that you are able access any digital models/files included in the Rx.
Hold On! The Rx doesn't look right, or there is an issue, or there is file(s) data / information missing:
We welcome you to use your awesome [Send notification] feature using your EasyRx account. Check it out here by reading our fantastic tutorial. This will help eliminate back-and-forth phone calls to your lab to make sure everyone is on the same page! All your communication is saved on our servers to help secure any data, such as comments.

You, as the lab, also have the ability to Edit the Rx-- including modifying the drawing, uploading files to share with the practice, adding annotations, and more. You can click an [edit rx] button to modify the prescription. We encourage you to collaborate with the practice to let them know you are making changes. This helps with situations like the doctor forgetting to add a clasp or changing the positioning of the appliance after it's been submitted--avoid the need for the doctor to submit another Rx for the same patient/appliance. Be sure to use the [Send notification] feature for things like needing to make major changes, letting the practice review files (like digital treatment setups!) and approve them, and more. This creates a digital paper trail between you and the practice for everything needed to get the case through production!
Rx Looks good - How to start processing:
There are two options on how you can start processing the Rx.
Option 1 [Recommended!]
Click the [Check-In] button on the dashboard page to view the case. You can also first [View] the Rx, then click [Check-in] on the following screen to the left.
Here is where to check-in from the main dashboard
Here is the check-in button when viewing an Rx
This will then open the Rx to show you the drawing, view any attached files, and even print a PDF copy to give to your lab techs if needed. This automatically updates the case tracker to Checked-In, notifying your practice that you are officially working on their prescription.
Option 2
Go back to your dashboard and select the Download sidebar, select the check box next to the appropriate Rx, and then select the [Download] button. This will download your Rx as a ZIP file with an enclosed PDF and any attached files from your practice. Hitting the [Download] button for an Rx will automatically update the status of the Rx to [Checked-In] in the workflow tracker! ---Showing the practice that you are currently processing their order. We help keep your practices in the know!
Here's what the workflow bar looks like after you click [Download] or you click [Check-in]
Next, if you chose option 2, you can open the downloaded ZIP file to access the PDF Rx and pass it to your lab tech(s) to create the requested appliance. The PDF may also be printed out and included in any bin your lab may have.
If you chose option 1, proceed to have your lab techs make the appliance / Rx.
Once the Rx has been completed by your lab tech(s)
Return to [View] the prescription, then select the [Ship Rx] icon on the left action bar. It will ask you for a tracking number. We highly recommend adding in a tracking# as practice can instantly access them from their EasyRx account-- Helping alleviate phone calls to your lab asking you where the package is in transit. Adding a tracking number is not required, so it can be left blank.
EasyRx currently supports an in-browser tracker if it is a USPS or UPS tracking number. You may use any tracking number you like. If it is FedEx or any other courier number, please know the practice would need to access the appropriate courier's website to track it using the number you provide manually.
After you click [save] on the [Ship Rx] button, your workflow bar will automatically move to [Shipped], and it will include the date you marked it as such.
Plans like our Lab Premium and Lab Enterprise plans also are able to Check-in and Check-Out Rxs while recording their specific dates to hone a more intuitive workflow. If you'd like to explore the possibility of upgrading, call us at 1-888-340-3751 x705
And that's it! Your practice can now view the status of your shipped case and any tracking #s at their leisure from their practice EasyRx account.
Final notes:
Your practices can rate your completed appliance by using our [Prescription Feedback] feature, which you, as a lab, have access to review! Check it out here. If your practice forgets to leave feedback, we encourage you to let them know to use this feature.