Account Aging Report (with Report Group)

Account Aging Report (with Report Group)

The Account Aging Report (with Report Group) details all accounts and sorts them by the Report Group.

  1. The first two columns list the Account Number followed by the Account Name in alphabetical order.
  2. The third column presents the Credit Balance if applicable or $0.00 if there is no credit on the account.
  3. The fourth column displays the Current Charges for the current billing period. If there are no invoiced orders for the current billing period, it will display $0.00.
  4. The 1-30 Days column depicts the balance from the prior billing period.
  5. The 31-60 Days column depicts the balance from the billing period before the prior billing period.
  6. The >60 Days column depicts the balance from the any billing period older than two billing periods.
  7. The Total column displays the total of all account balances minus the credit balance.
  8. The report also shows a Grand Total of all columns on the last row.

This report can be accessed by selecting Accounts in the Reports tab, or by selecting the Reports button on the top right of the Accounts section in the Finance tab.

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