Barcode Scanning in EasyRx

Barcode Scanning in EasyRx

Guide to Barcode Scanning in EasyRx

EasyRx makes it convenient to search for prescriptions by simply scanning the barcode on the printed prescription or label. 

Connect a barcode scanner to the computer where you use EasyRx. You can use most barcode scanners available in the market. For example, you can find suitable options on Amazon at this link: Amazon barcode scanner options.
To use barcode scanning:

1.  When you want to search for a prescription, click on the search window where you want to enter the information.

2. Scan the barcode using the connected barcode scanner. The scanner will capture the barcode and automatically lookup the corresponding prescription.

Using Barcode Scanning day to day:
In your day-to-day usage, you will find the barcode printed on all prescriptions and labels. When you're ready to scan, simply pick up the prescription, choose the appropriate search field, and scan the barcode.

For more information, check out this EasyVid of barcode scanning: 

If you are using Lab Enterprise, watch this extended version. Cade shows how he integrates bar code scanning into his daily checkout process:

We're here if you have any questions.

The EasyRx Team
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