"Bin Number in Use" error for Enterprise Lab Customers

"Bin Number in Use" error for Enterprise Lab Customers

The Enterprise workflow allows Lab users to push cases out the door different ways depending on when that shipment is departing (say they have a box that needs to be rushed out the door in the AM instead of leaving on the truck in the afternoon with all of the standard Ground Shipping boxes).

A couple of things can happen that can cause this error when the Lab attempts to re-use a Bin number (sometimes referred to as a Pan number) that they had intended to free up by processing the case that used that Bin number prior to this new case. Here is a video showing an attempted written check-in that gives this error. If you get this call they will likely have gotten this.

As explained by Tom, the scenarios that can cause this are:

The Shipment was deleted after they invoiced the prescription.

They ship one office on MyDay after invoicing a shipment to the same office on the same day.

For now this will have to be cleared up by a developer:

To free up the bin numbers, you'd need to copy the bin number from bin_number to bin_number_record on all of the prescriptions that are a problem. 3608912 is one that you'd do.The status of the prescription is 9, which is Departure Invoiced, which means it was never end of day'd.

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