DL-Plus User’s Guide (Build 2.2.400)
Copyright © 2014 Jenmar International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of it may be copied, reproduced, translated, transmitted, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior written consent from Jenmar International, Inc.
Jenmar International, the Jenmar logo, DL-Plus and Jenmar CRM are trademarks of Jenmar International, Inc. All other product and/or company names are property of their respective owners.
Publication Date: June 2014
Jenmar International, Inc.
2240 NW 40th Terrace, Suite B
Gainesville, FL 32605
Table of Contents
About This Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction to DL-Plus
Core Concepts
Basic Navigation
Using the Action Bar
Chapter 2 Basic Concepts
Security and Permissions
Chapter 3 Facilities
Configuring Settings
Facility Editor
Chapter 4 Managing Employees and Users
Creating Employees
User Groups
Chapter 5 Products
Managing Products
Creating a Product
Chapter 6 Tasks and Task Classes
Adding a Task
Managing Task Classes
Chapter 7 Schedules
Managing Product Schedules
Adding a Product Schedule
Chapter 8 Prices
Managing Price Lists
Adding a Price List
Handling Price Changes
Chapter 9 Doctors
Managing Doctor Information
Doctor Sub-section
Using Sub-Accounts and Bill To
Product Tag-Alongs
Practice Groups
Chapter 10 Accounting and Invoicing
Adding a Receivable
Viewing and Editing a Receivable
Chapter 11 Case Management
Quick Case Entry
Case View
Case Products
Chapter 12 Reporting
Report Management
Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference
Using BC Reader
Working with UDX
This guide describes how to configure and use the DL-Plus Dental Laboratory Management System. For instructions on how to install DL-Plus, refer to the Installation Guide.
Each major area of the DL-Plus application is accessed through the menu bar.
Each menu has some common elements to simplify navigation. Let’s examine each one:
Figure 1 – Cases Menu
Figure 2 – Products Menu
Figure 3 – Doctors Menu
Figure 4 – Employees
Figure 5 – Receivables
Figure 6 – Inventory
Figure 7 – Inventory
It also allows you to set default printer, paper size and bin for each report
Figure 8 – Tools
For example, if you go to your Products list, you will see the Action Bar at the top of the window that will give you tools for creating new products, editing existing ones, deactivating old products and searching for products.
The Action Bar also has a special “Actions” button that will change based on what objects you are managing. For example, if you are looking at cases then the Actions button will have options such as scheduling a case or editing prices.
To perform a search, simply enter the full or partial text to search on and click the Search button. For example, to search for doctors with a last name that starts with “B”, choose the Name tab in the search tabs area, then in the Last Name field type the letter “B” and then click the Search button.
One of the most fundamental objects in the DL-Plus system is the facility. A facility is any location where you will receive (i.e. take receipt of) and produce work for your customers. The work you perform in a facility is tracked as a case.
Almost every object within your system will link to a facility. This means that when you have multiple facilities within the system each one can manage its own employees and users, security permissions, features available, routing rules, schedules, doctors, accounting and more. This gives you a great deal of power and flexibility by being able to manage many different facilities from within one application!
Cases represent work being performed in your lab for any given facility. A case will combine the information of what exactly is to be produced, the doctor the work is for, the products to be built and their schedule.
Cases can be updated manually by technicians typing in information or automatically through bar code scanning. When a case is completed, you can then invoice from the case to generate bills and statements.
The output of the work of the technicians in your lab takes the form of one or more products. Products are the core building blocks of a case – when you receive a case into your lab from a doctor it may specify one or more products that the doctor is requesting.
Tasks represent actions that are performed on products in your lab. Tasks can be scanned from hand-held scanning devices or updated manually in the DL-Plus system. Tasks can be specific actions such as WAX, or could represent a QC step or other status. Tasks are organized into various classes that support a capacity minimum and maximum – essentially the amount or number of tasks in that class that can be performed in your lab on a production day. Scheduling and capacity planning are covered in the chapter on Scheduling.
Departments let you categorize the various tasks your laboratory can perform. When employees perform tasks on a product, their productivity can be allocated to a specific department. This can help you track the time spent in each department for a case and may be useful if you are using a pro-pay method of paying some technicians.
Lists let you define many of the drop-downs and pick lists available in the application. Lists cover various aspects of the application such as reasons for remakes, taxes, states, instructions and notes, payment and product types and more. Most lists are global lists meaning that any facility within the system can use them (e.g. the States list) but some are facility-specific meaning the values in that list will only show up for objects that are in the same facility (e.g. Volume Discounts).
Facilities correspond to locations where you receive and work on cases. You can have any number of facilities within the application to track case entry locations (known as the “Origin Facility”) and locations where work is performed (known as the “Production Facility”). In many cases these will be the same.
Before using the application, it is important to consider what workflows, routing, security, date/currency, accounting and scheduling rules you want to implement. For example, what ledger accounts do you use to track your payables and receivables? When you schedule cases do you break the day into certain time blocks or have limits on when you schedule? Consult your Jenmar services team prior to beginning to discuss options and best practices.
Facilities are configured from the Global Settings option on the Utilities menu:
You will always have at least one facility in the system. You can add more facilities to represent other locations within the system. Each facility can be configured separately.
For each facility, you can specify the physical location and basic details. On the Lab Information tab, you will see a field for the Facility ID. This is a required field and is how you will relate other settings to this facility such as doctors, schedules and more. The facility identifier must be unique and should be short but descriptive for this facility.
To add a new facility to your system, simply click the “Add” button. The first thing you will need to enter is the Facility ID. This is a required field and is how you will relate other settings and objects to this facility such as doctors, schedules and more. The facility identifier must be unique and should be short but descriptive for this facility.
Next, give this facility a name in the Name field. The lab name should be more descriptive and clearly identify which facility this is. Your facility name may appear in reports, invoices, statements and other types of documents.
Finally, fill in the other fields as necessary such as the facility’s address, phone and fax information. When done, click the Save button.
Before moving on, let’s briefly review each tab’s purpose. Later in this chapter the settings for each tab are discussed.
Lab Information -The Lab Information tab is where you specify general information about the facility – name, address and phone information.
Figure 1 – Lab Information
Scheduling – The Scheduling tab contains many different settings for scheduling cases, specifying ship and due dates and handling what happens when you modify a case’s products list.
Figure 2 – Scheduling
Case Entry - The Case Entry tab lets you control options that affect what a user can enter and change when creating and editing cases. It also contains options for invoicing and indicating instructions and comments.
Figure 3 - Case Entry
Accounting - On the Accounting tab you can indicate what account numbers should be used to track services charges, receivables and other amounts.
Figure 4 – Accounting
Credit Cards –The Credit Cards tab controls settings for automatic credit card processing. Credit card processing is covered in more detail in the appendix.
Figure 5 – Credit Cards
MAS200 – The MAS200 tab allows you to set up your account with MA200.
Figure 6 – MAS200
Time Clock - The Time Clock tab you can indicate settings for how to handle employee clock in/out and the maximum clock hours allowed.
Figure 7 – Time Clock
Doctor Entry - The Doctor Entry tab contains settings for doctor records such as enforcing account number uniqueness and how to display phone numbers.
Figure 8 – Doctor Entry
Inventory – The Inventory tab relates to settings for managing inventory items and whether or not users must check-out inventory before using it.
Figure 9 – Inventory
Other - The Other tab contains general settings for the behavior of various functions within the facility such as reasons and carriers and also lets you specify password rules to be enforced for employees that belong to that facility.
Figure 10 - Other
Employees represent people at your lab that may be responsible for performing functions in the DL-Plus system or tasks on products and cases. You can manage employees from the Employees menu in DL-Plus:
You can easily add new employees, review and update employee information and delete employees from the Employee Management area. When you first enter the screen, you are presented with a list of the current employees in the DL-Plus system.
You configure the security and permissions that users have in the system by using User Groups. For example, in your system you may have an Administrator group that has special privileges to view and edit all the data in the system while a Data Entry Operator group may only be able to view and edit cases and schedules. You can manage User Groups from Users.
Figure 1 – User Groups
Figure 2 – Group Preferences
Figure 3 – Group Privileges
Once you have defined your user groups, you can then associate your users to a group. A user may be a member of only one user group.
Figure 4 – Creating New User
Figure 5 – Selecting Doctor
Figure 6 – User Group Assignment
Users represent employees at your lab that can log into the DL-Plus system. Each user that will access the system must have a valid license key. For information on obtaining keys, refer to the Licensing appendix.
Users must be linked to an employee record. Employees do not have to be Users in the system, but all users are employees. To manage users, go to the Users menu:
Users must have a unique username and a User Group. The user’s password will depend on the password settings you set up for this employee’s primary facility. See the chapter on Facilities for information on password complexity rules.
Products represent the actual finished goods that your laboratory creates. Products can also represent other types of goods or services you charge for such as shipping or fuel surcharges. A product can have taxes applied to it or include discounts.
When you sell products, DL-Plus keeps track of the case the product is associated with, who you sold it to and for what price. DL-Plus also tracks other accounting items attached to your products such as what taxes were applied or if discounts were given or if the product was a remake or adjustment. All these data points help you to run your laboratory by understanding how much you collected in payments for each product and how much you paid out in the form of discounts or costs to produce the product.
Products that require labor and Tasks to produce will usually have a schedule associated with them. Schedules dictate the exact steps and timing required to produce each product. For example, a porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) product may have steps for the model work, setup, die prep, waxing and finishing tasks. But you may also include additional tasks that are required to produce that PFM such as quality control steps or packaging and shipping steps. Schedules are covered in more detail in the Schedules chapter.
Products will also usually have a price associated with them. You can create multiple prices for each product and then assign those prices to doctors using price lists. Price lists link a given price for a product to a specific doctor and can be good for specific date ranges. Price lists are covered later in this chapter.
Finally, you can link products that should always be sold together through <<“tag alongs”>>. When you use a tag along, you are telling DL-Plus to automatically insert another product with this one when entered onto a case. For example, in your lab you may always include a special toolkit with your denture products. Instead of relying on manually entering in that toolkit each time you enter a denture product onto a case you can “tag along” the toolkit with the dentures. This tells the system to automatically insert the toolkit, ensuring that you are selling it along with the dentures and saving you time on data entry. Tag alongs are covered in more detail later in this chapter.
You can manage your products from the Products menu in DL-Plus:
Figure 1 - Products
To add a new product to your system, simply click the Add button. The ID field is required and should be a short moniker to use to refer to your product. Generally, when searching for products to add to a case you will search by the ID. For example, you may have several different classes of PFM you produce that you differentiate by the metal used. In that situation, you might create PFM products such as PFMG, PFMS, PFMA, etc.
When adding a product, you must also provide a description. The description should be brief and help explain the ID if it is not already clear what the product is. For example, a PFMHN might refer to your PFM, High Noble.
You can set your prices for your products through price lists. You always have a “default” price list in the system. You then add new price lists when you want to offer your products for sale to various doctors and groups at different levels. To manage your price lists, click the “Products” menu, then select “Pricing”.
There may also be times when you need to override the base price for a product for a specific doctor. This can be accomplished through DL-Plus’s “Special Price” functionality. Special prices always override the price on the price list for that doctor. For more on setting special prices, refer to the <<DOCTOR>> chapter.
A price list contains all the products you want to sell at various price points. Price lists are always dated to represent the effective time period the price list applies to. For example, you may have a price list that should temporarily be applied in the summer, or you may want to create a price list representing the prices you want to apply next year. DL-Plus will apply the appropriate price list based on the effective date.
Price lists are covered in greater detail in the <<PRICES>> chapter.
The Reports and Report List menu options will let you select a report to run. DL-Plus contains many different product-related reports covering areas such as sales histories, unit counts, remake rates, profit margins and more. Discuss your reporting needs with your Jenmar account manager if you have specific report requirements.
From the Product Schedules menu option you can configure and create schedules for creating each of your products. When a user enters a case into DL-Plus and selects products to put into that case, DL-Plus will assign the correct schedule based on the product, the origin of the case (facility) and other factors such as if the product is in for a remake or adjustment.
<<NOTE: Before working with schedules, you must create your task classes and tasks. These functions are covered in greater detail in the <<TASK>> chapter.
A <<SCHEDULE TYPE>> lets you group similar products together onto the same schedule. For example, your lab may product PFMs in various configurations and metals so you would group these PFMs onto the same schedule and then select the tasks that apply for that schedule. You might also differentiate the schedules based on which facility will do the work. So you may operate multiple facilities that each have different abilities and timelines to produce that product or may not even have the ability to produce that product at all.
To create a schedule type, click the <<ADD>> button. Give the schedule a brief description, then start adding products to the schedule that will all use the same tasks and timeline. You can further differentiate the schedules by configuring them for specific facilities.
When you add tasks to the schedule, you must also indicate the Schedule Order, Schedule Units and Time Blocks. These elements are covered in more detail in the <<SCHEDULING>> chapter.
Each product in your system can have one or more tax codes applied to it. Tax codes and rates are all managed from the Utilities -> Lists -> Taxes menu.
To apply tax codes to your product, find the product in your product library then click the <<ACTIONS>> button. On the menu, select Taxes.
From here, you can select from the taxes you have configured in the system and indicate which ones apply to this product.
<<Note: even if you specify taxes associated with your products, taxes will NOT be applied unless you have also checked the flag on the product to indicate it is taxable.
You may also easily copy taxes from one product to another or to all products by clicking the <<COPY TAXES>> button. This will let you select specific products to copy the tax configuration to or to select all the products in the system.
Tag alongs are a powerful feature that allows you to indicate that certain products should automatically be added to a case when certain other products are present. For example, you may want to automatically include a shipping charge (represented as a product) on your cases whenever you are building dentures. You configure your denture product to have a tag along of the shipping product and DL-Plus will automatically insert the shipping product onto the case when the denture product is added.
Tag alongs have several features to help you manage when they should be applied:
The standard tag along just automatically inserts the tagged product whenever the specified product is also selected. But you may want to apply a more granular filter.
Doctor – using the doctor selector, you can indicate that this product tag along should ONLY be applied if is also for the specified doctor. This lets you automatically include certain products that the doctor always requests or needs for the originating product.
Facility – using the facility drop-down lets you also indicate that the tagged product should only be included if the product will be produced from the specified facility. This makes it possible to tag along products that should only be included if the product is produced in a certain location or facility.
You may use either of these separately or in tandem to granularly control when a tagged product is included in a case.
Tasks form the core units for your schedules. Tasks represent specific, discrete steps that must be followed to create a product. Tasks can represent various physical actions such as waxing and modeling, checkpoints in the building process such as quality control or review, and even post-production functions such as packaging and shipping.
Every task has various configurable elements that control how DL-Plus tracks the task and accounts for time involved in performing the task, even who can perform the task and how much you pay for the task.
Figure 1 – Information
Task Information - When working with tasks, you must first set the ID for the task. This is a unique descriptor that the system will display on schedules and when searching for tasks. The description can be more verbose and should describe what the task is for or what function the task encompasses. All tasks must be grouped into a task class, so you must also indicate what class the task is part of. Task classes are a critical part of scheduling as they can be used to determine <<capacity>>: the number of times this task can be performed on any given production day.
Figure 2 – File Attachments
Figure 1 – Adding a Task
Figure 2 – Adding an Attachment
Task classes group tasks together into categories. They are integral to how DL-Plus builds your schedules if you are using load balancing and capacity planning. For example, any given facility you run may have a capacity to perform certain types of tasks on any given day that may reflect the skill level of the technicians and/or the technician schedules at that facility. So you may be able to handle up to 50 different wax tasks on Monday, but on Tuesday you have another technician available and so can take up to 70 wax tasks. When building a product schedule, DL-Plus will look at your current workloads (how many units have already been scheduled for the given day) and then look at your capacity to determine if that task can be slotted for that day. If not, DL-Plus searches for the next available day that does have capacity.
Schedules, tasks and task classes are also covered in more detail in the <<SCHEDULING>> chapter.
The prices you charge for your products can be configured in a number of ways. For example, you may have a general price list for all your products, and then keep specialized lists for doctors in certain regions or for doctors in specific institutions (e.g. a dental school or penal facility). Further, you can specify individual prices for doctors that override their price list.
Prices can be managed through Special Prices and Price Lists.
You may eventually need to adjust the prices you charge for your wares. You can handle price changes easily in the DL-Plus tool.
Access the product you wish to make the price change for by clicking “Products” -> “View” and then finding the product.
Now, click the “Actions” button and choose “Prices”. You will see a list of price lists that this product is on.
Double-click the price list to adjust in the grid or click the “Edit” button.
Price lists are effective dated. To create a new price list, click the “New” button and set the start date for the price list. This is the date the system will start applying your new price.
NOTE: When you enter a case, the system will look up the price for each product using the workflow above. If the system is unable to find a price for the product, it will display a (1.00) for the price in red letters. This is a warning to you that you need to make sure the doctor has this product on his/her price list or that you should add the product to the price list.
Doctor Details - You can create doctor accounts and manage doctor information in the doctor management screen. Click the “Doctors” menu and then click “View”. Locate the doctor to modify by using the find or list options or add a new doctor using the “Add” button.
Explain check boxes for COD, Invoicing, etc.
Standard – The main page for a doctor lets you manage basic details such as the doctor’s name, how it should print on the invoice, address information and other details. Often, these details will be used when printing invoices and statements and in various reports. The doctor’s name and address information is required while most other fields are optional. The system will warn you when you try to save a doctor’s account if there are missing details.
Figure 1 – Standard
Billing – The Billing tab lets you modify various details about the doctor’s billing information such as credit card numbers, billing address and more.
On the Billing tab you can configure the doctor’s account number, indicate a billing relationship specify a credit limit and service charge and set up various discounting options. You can also manage the doctor’s credit card information from here and indicate a different billing address for the doctor.
At the bottom you can indicate various COD options.
Figure 2 – Billing Settings
Preferences -
Figure 3 – Preferences
Price Lists / Shipping / Associates – This option allows you to set up a Doctor’s Price List, shipping route and name of the associates that the Doctor’s works with.
Figure 4 – Price Lists
User Defined – This option allow you at add notes to any account, using user defined fields.
Figure 4 – User Defined
There may be occasions when you want to link one doctor’s billing to another’s. For example, you may do work for a practice that has all the bills go to one main account. Even though you do case work for individual doctors in the practice, all the invoicing and statements need to go to another account. In this situation, you would specify a BillTo relationship.
When you set a doctor’s bill to field to another account, several important considerations must be taken into account:
In some cases, even though you have set a BillTo relationship for an account you may still need to record financial transactions against the subaccount’s ledger. You can use the “Keep Ledger” option to maintain this fiscal record.
Typically, you will not keep the ledger for the sub-account. This keeps all financial transactions for this sub-account associated with the main account and in one place.
Tag Alongs are a way for you to automatically insert certain products onto a case when a specific doctor or facility is selected. For example, you may want to automatically include a fuel surcharge or delivery charge on cases you do for a local doctor or you may need to automatically include a toolkit for certain denture sets. You can create tag alongs that handle these automatic insertions.
To manage tag alongs, simply click the Actions button, then choose “Tag Along Products”.
A Practice Group simply defines a list of doctors (accounts) that should be grouped together for reporting purposes. Defining a practice group and associating doctors will let you run reports to analyze sales and product figures for the group.
The Practice Group functionality can be found under the Doctors menu. This lets you set up groups of doctors that all operate within the same business or practice.
Sub Accounts
Unapplied Accounts
Ledger View
Open Items View
Standard: When you first poll op the Case Entry screen, you will automatically be in the Standard mode. This means that you will have a case entry screen in front of you, either to enter new cases or look at an existing case. The top half of the screen shows the Doctor ID and patient information of the case.
Delivery/Shipping - Delivery/Shipping: When you click on “Delivery”, the top half of your case screen will change to information pertaining to the delivery of the case you are entering. Not all the information concerning the case can fit on the initial entry screen. The “time” field is designated as the time that the patient will be in the Doctor’s chair. “Time @2” can be used in any way you want, for example, the time the case needs to leave the lab In order to be at the Doctor’s office for the patients visit. The “Route” will be automatically be filled in for you once you have saved the case. DL-Plus accesses the Doctor’s information screen to see what type of delivery and route were entered in and it will automatically appear on the delivery screen. Information about the shipping details such as carrier, weight and cost can be entered here. However, the “Shipping” portion of DL-Plus can only be fully utilized if you are using a direct shipping system through a carrier such as FedEx, UPS, etc. If you would like more information concerning this functionality, contact Jenmar.
Status/Billing -If for some reason the case needs to be put on hold, the case is in dispute, or the case will be written off, this is the place to do it and state the reason. The area at the top of the window to select either “normal”, “hold”, “in dispute” and “written off” will not be available to you if the case has already been invoiced. Some information will not appear on the screen unless the case has been completed and has been invoiced. You will notice that it gives you the date that the case has been invoiced and states whether it has been billed out on a monthly statement. The next line is telling you which month this invoice, billed out on a monthly statement, has been credited to. The month it is credited to is determined by DL-Plus from the field in the Doctors screen “Bill Period”. The next line tells you how much your invoice was for and shows the tax separately. If this case has not been invoiced, the “Total when invoiced” button will give a totaling of the cost of the case up to that point.
Invoice Notes/Contacts
Products - When entering products, if you do not know the correct assigned Product ID, enter in the first letter or number and press TAB. A pick list will appear highlighted on the first item of the letter or number you entered. Using the up and down arrow, highlight the Product ID that you want and push ENTER. The Product ID will be placed into the appropriate space.
Manual Products
Schedule - The schedule show on the case entry screen is only a summary of the true schedule. The schedule is not editable from the case entry screen. To edit the schedule for a case, use the “Modify Schedule” menu under Actions menu of the case entry screen or press F11 to open the Case Schedule screen. In DL-Plus, a case can have multiple pans. Each line item in the case belongs to a pan. When DL-Plus schedules a case, it schedules each pan separately to enable simultaneous scheduling. DL-Plus goes through three steps when scheduling a case: create task list, insert shipping tasks, and schedules dates. Choosing the “Full Schedule” menu for scheduling does all three of these steps to schedule the case. These steps can also be done one at a time by choosing “Create Task List”, “Insert Shipping Task”, and “Re/Schedule” from menus respectively. The schedule menus are available both from the cases screen and case schedule screen. The scheduling process is covered in greater detail in DL-Plus Scheduling.