EasyConnect - VisualDLP and EasyRx Integration Setup

EasyConnect - VisualDLP and EasyRx Integration Setup

VisualDLP and EasyRx Integration Setup Steps (Detailed Instructions for each step are included Below)
1. Sign Up for an EasyRx Connected Lab Account (VisualDLP) (If you have an EasyRx Account go to Step 2.)
2. Create a Service Account for VisualDLP to connect to EasyRx (VisualDLP)
3. Login to EasyRx with the Connected Lab Account login and configure VisualDLP Service Account (EasyRx)
4. Setup Parts/Products within EasyRx (EasyRx) 
5. Map Products from VisualDLP to EasyRx (VisualDLP)
6. Invite Accounts to Send Prescriptions from EasyRx (VisualDLP)


1. Sign Up for or Login to EasyRx Connected Lab Account 

*Signing up or connecting to an existing EasyRx Connected Lab Account can be done in 3 VisualDLP screens. Choose the one that is most convenient for you, though we recommend Option A, and then proceed to Step 2.

    1. From VisualDLP Launchpad, access the Global Settings module.  

    1. From the Global Settings drop-down menu, click to select the Integration Settings menu item. 

  1. Click on the Sign Up link to establish a new account or click on Log In to connect to an existing EasyRx Connected Lab Account.

OPTION B - Order Management module: Products

  1. From VisualDLP Launchpad, access the Order Management module. 
  2. From the Product Management drop-down menu, click to select the Products menu item.
  3. Select any product on your list that will be accessible to your customers in the EasyRx prescriptions.
  4. Click on the EasyRx Mapping tab.
  5. Click on the Sign Up link to establish a new account or click on Log In to connect to an existing EasyRx Connected Lab Account.

OPTION C - Order Management module: Accounts

  1. From VisualDLP Launchpad, access the Order Management module. 
  2. From the Finance drop-down menu, click to select the Accounts menu item.
  3. Select any account on your list that will be invited to submit EasyRx prescriptions.
  4. Click on the EasyRx Account tab.
  5. Click on the Sign Up link to establish a new account or click on Log In to connect to an existing EasyRx Connected Lab Account.

For any Option you choose to access the Login/SignUp screen, you will be prompted to enter or confirm EasyRx Connected Lab Account information: 
  1. Your VisualDLP Lab Name will automatically be listed. 
  2. Type in the email address that you will use to manage your EasyRx Connected Lab account.
  3. When prompted, type in the password that you will use to access your EasyRx Connected Lab account
  4. If you are creating a new account, you will first receive a message that the account is successfully created. In addition, the message will instruct you to check your inbox for an email providing a link to validate your account.  Follow the emailed instructions to validate your email account and to schedule an EasyRx training session
  5. If you successfully login to an existing account or create a new account, the Current EasyRx Connected Status will automatically update from Disconnected to Connected.

2. Create a Service Account for VisualDLP to connect to EasyRx 

Once you have created or confirmed that you have an EasyRx Connected Lab Account from within VisualDLP, the next step is to configure a software service account that runs in the background and acts as a data transfer bridge between VisualDLP and EasyRx.
  1. From VisualDLP Launchpad, access the Global Settings module.  

  1. From the Global Settings drop-down menu, click to select the EasyRx menu item. 

  1. Click the Create VisualDLP Service For EasyRX button. 

  1. Enter a unique User Name (not an Email Addresssuch as "YourLabNameVDLPEasyRx" and Password that will be used for VisualDLP to connect to and validate EasyRx behind the scenes . *The Service Account user will not be the same User Name that is used to log directly into EasyRx by your team members.  

  2. Click the Create Account button to save the Service Account name and password.  

(Hint: Store your Service Account Name and password somewhere accessible.)




3. Login to EasyRx with the Connected Lab Account login and configure VisualDLP Service Account (EasyRx)

  1. From EasyRx website, access the Lab Admin menu.  

  1. From the Lab Admin drop-down menu, click to select the Jenmar VisualDLP Connect menu item. 

  2. Enter your Jenmar VisualDLP Service Account login. (Created in Step 2)

4. Setup Categories and Part Lists in your EasyRx Connected Lab Account

Recommendation: If not completed yet from your activation Email, click to Schedule a complimentary EasyRx Training Appointment: 

EasyRx On-Boarding Calendar

In order for the prescription Parts information to integrate with VisualDLP when a customer creates a prescription in EasyRx, you will set up Category and Part lists in EasyRx and will map parts to your products in VisualDLP.  Managing the lists will include customizing and disabling categories or parts, creating new ones, or moving parts from one category to another to streamline your Customers’ selection options.  

(Note: After you have completed configuring your Category and Part lists in EasyRx, you will map products to them from within VisualDLP.) 

Step 1 - Click on Configure and select Category Manager


Step 1a - Deactivate Categories that your Lab does not provide on the Manage Categories screen. We recommend reviewing the Main Category and Subcategory items listed starting at the top and clicking deactivate under the Actions column for that item if you wish to hide it. Skip any you want to keep. Continue down the list until all remaining categories are those you want your customers to have access to when ordering prescriptions.  

(Hint: If there are parts you want to keep that are listed within a Category that you want to deactivate, you can edit the Parts List and move the parts to different Category prior to deactivation.) 


Step 1b - Customize Categories that your Lab does provide. This will confirm your customers can select products that you want them to have access to when ordering prescriptions. Click on edit or parts to customize each category as you prefer. 


Step 2 – Click on Configure and select Parts 


Step 2a - (Optional) Click to Enable Alternate Parts Naming  

If you enable Alternate Parts Naming, you can enter additional names for enhancing your customers’ search and to better match your lab’s customary product names.  “Used if your lab uses a different name for this part.  When creating a prescription, the Alternate Part Name is searched and displayed when viewing the prescription.” 



Step 2b – Deactivate Parts that your Lab does not provide on the Manage Parts screen. We recommend reviewing the EasyRx Part Name items listed, starting at the top and clicking deactivate for each item that you wish to hide. Skip any you want to keep. Continue down the list until all remaining parts are those you want your customers to have access to when ordering prescriptions.  


Step 2c – Customize Parts by adding an Alternate Name, optionally add a Lab Part Number and Part Price, select if it is a part or appliance and confirm the category. You can also set up additional options such as Shade or Margin. This will confirm your customers can select the parts with familiar names and add the detail you want to have included. Click on edit or options to customize each part as you move down the list.  



5. Map Products from VisualDLP to EasyRx (Requires login to EasyRx Connected Lab Account from within VisualDLP) 

  1. From VisualDLP Launchpad, access the Order Management module. 

  1. From the Product Management drop-down menu, click to select the Products menu item. 

  1. Select any product on your list that will be accessible for your customers in the EasyRx prescriptions.   

  1. Click on the EasyRx Mapping tab 

  1. Click Search to find and map your VisualDLP product to the EasyRx Prescription Product/Part listed in EasyRx

  2. If you want to remove the mapping, click "Remove Mapping". 

  3. If you want to change the mapping, search and Select a different EasyRx Prescription Product.

  1. Repeat: For each Product, select to open the Product from the Products menu and click on the EasyRx Mapping tab to complete the mapping configuration. 

(Note: A Product can be mapped to 1 EasyRx Product/Part. If you select another Product, the mapping will be replaced.)

6. Invite Accounts to Send Prescriptions from EasyRx (VisualDLP)

After we create your lab, we will also create a test practice for you so you can see how a doctor will experience EasyRx. With this test practice account, you will be able to send cases to your laboratory. The login for the test practice will be twpractice+doctor@easyrxortho.com and the password you provide. 

Getting Started with Inviting Your Accounts to Send Prescriptions 

Step 1 - From VisualDLP Launchpad, access the Order Management module. 

From the Finance drop-down menu, click to select the Accounts menu item.
Select an account on your list that will be invited to submit EasyRx prescriptions.
Click on the EasyRx Account tab. 
Click on Invite Account

Step 2 - On the form, complete Steps 1 through 4 by selecting prompted information.

The email address you select will not only be the Account's username for logging in, it will also be the email where the account will receive Rx notifications, receive password reset requests, and invoicing information. Please verify with your customers the appropriate email they would like to use to avoid confusion. Once the form is filled out and reviewed, click Send Invitation.

VisualDLP will send an email to the practice inviting them to sign in to EasyRx. A default password will be sent. Once the practice logs in, they will be prompted to choose an EasyRx Practice plan and also enter payment information. Afterward, they will automatically be connected to your lab and ready to start sending Rx's your way!


What a Doctor sees when sending a Prescription to your Lab from within EasyRx: 


Page Break 


6. Helpful Tips 

Message: No Mapped EasyRx Product 

IssueIn VisualDLP, “No Mapped EasyRx Product” message is found on Product Management -> Products -> (selected) product -> EasyRx Mapping tab. 

Solution: …. 


When searching for parts to create a prescription, customers are not finding them easily. 

Issue: Part is missing an Alternate Name 

Solution: In EasyRx, click on Configure -> Manage Parts -> Edit (Locate the part on the list and click Edit) -> Click in the Alternate Name box and enter an alias or alternate search name. 


Part is listed under the wrong Category

 Issue: Part is listed under the wrong Category. 

Solution: In EasyRx, click on Configure -> Manage Parts -> Edit (Locate the part on the list and click Edit) -> Click in the Category box to select a different category. 


Account Invitation Requirements

To invite an account to be an EasyRx Connected Lab, VisualDLP requires that the account have at least 1 linked Doctor, 1 Email address, 1 Phone number and 1 Default or Shipping Address. 

Service Accounts:
Deleting an EasyRx Service Account from VisualDLP

Customers must have a unique Service Account Name. 

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