EasyRx 3D - Walkthrough - With Screen Shots

EasyRx 3D - Walkthrough - With Screen Shots


1)      Attach the STL files to an Rx or directly to the patient's profile. You can do so manually by clicking on "browse to files" at the bottom of the Rx, or if you have an iTero scanner you can click on the iTero Recent Scans Lookup.

2)      Confirm that original scans pull in from MyAlignTech and can be viewed at the bottom of the Rx (should take ~5 minutes)

3)      Once the original scans are attached, they should create a new “optimized file” after another additional 5 minutes or so. These should show up at the bottom of that list of files when you click on “view” in an Rx.

4)      Click on this Optimized file once it shows up to begin editing (make sure that you’re in FireFox in order to be able to edit).

5)      A new tab should pop up, where it will ask you if you want to “View” the file or “Edit” the file. Click on “Edit”.

6)      Spin the model around with your left mouse button to where the anteriors are facing up and where you are sure that you’re looking at the front of the teeth and not the back of the open shell model.

7)      The steps will be listed along the right-hand side, from top to bottom. Start at the top by clicking “Orient”.

8)      It will tell you where to place the 3 orientation points, and then will take about 10 seconds to orient the model. After this finishes there should now be orange dots going around the model on the edges.     

9)      Click on the lightning bolt button “Use EasyModelTrim”. This will make the original trim path shown above disappear, and will let you manually draw your new trim path where you want to cut along the model.

10)   Hold down Shift and your Left Mouse button and drag your mouse along where you want the trim path to be (don’t worry about this path being perfect, just think of it as a rough draft).

11)   When you get to a point where you need to rotate the model in order to continue drawing your trim path, let go of the Shift key and then spin the model around with your left mouse button like before.

12)   To resume the trim path, hold down Shift and Left Mouse again and continue drawing. You can resume the path a little bit in front of the previous dot and it will know to connect the two and resume the trim path.

13)   Once the trim path has made a complete circuit and has reached the starting dot, all of the dots will flash from orange to green for several seconds.

14)   Now you can go through and adjust the individual dots and make sure that they are exactly where you want them to be. Try your best to avoid any irregular shapes or cracks that the scanner has made.

15)   When all the trim points are adjusted how you like them, click the scissor button, “Trim Model”. If you don’t like how the model looks after trimming, you can click on Adjust Trim and it will allow you to take a step back and make additional changes to the trim points. If your model does not trim successfully, it could be because certain trim points are on cracks or other imperfections that the scanner picked up. These dots should turn red to indicate where the issue is (shown below). Reposition these trim points by dragging them with your left mouse key and getting them away from any visible “interference”.

***NOTE*** if you intend to print vertically (the models will print standing on-end), you may find it useful to use the 2nd trim option, “Cut Model”. If you click on “Position Cutting Plane” all that this does is allow you to place 2 points back by the molars and it will cut off everything behind that plane (if you spin it around with this plane positioned, you will see that everything on the blue side of the plane is what will be kept, and it will get rid of everything on the grey side of the plane). This will let the model have a nice, flat base to begin building off of. Again, if you are just printing models lying flat on the tray, don’t worry about this feature.

16)  If you don’t like how the model looks after trimming, you can click on Adjust Trim and it will allow you to take a step back and make additional changes to the trim points.

17)   Now you are ready to base the model. Select all of the base options starting at the top of the Base Model section, starting with whether you want the model to have a Regular base or a Hollow base. A model with a regular base is solid throughout, and a model with a hollow base is going to have empty space inside of it which will allow you to print without using as much material.

18)   After selecting your type of base, choose how tall you want the base to be. You can select from the different options, or set your custom base height by clicking on that and then dragging that blue arrow down to specify exactly how tall you’d like your base to be. If you picked Hollow, you will need to specify how thick you want the walls of the base to be.

***NOTE*** if you are printing horizontally (lying flat on the tray), you may find that your models get stuck to the tray from time to time. If you check the box “Use Drain Holes”, this will automatically position 3 drain holes on the model when you apply your base. These drain holes will allow excess fluid to drain out from inside the base during the print job, and also give you a rectangular notch where you can pry the model off of the tray without damaging it.

19)   After applying the base, all that there is left to do is apply a label if necessary. The Patient Name box will automatically be checked because that is the most commonly applied label. You can uncheck this box and select any type of label that you’d like, or type in a custom label. Then, select if you'd like the label to be Engraved (carved into the model), or Embossed (raised up off of the model).

20)   After making your label selections, click on "Position First Label". This will let you put a start and end point on the model. Applying the label to a flat part of the base will give the best results.

21)   After you have selected the two points for the label it will show up on a straight line along those two points. After positioning the label where you want it, hit “Add Label”. You then have the option to add a 2nd label by clicking "Position Second Label" and following the same steps as before, or you can proceed to saving the edited model if you are done.

22)   Click on “Save Model” and name the file whatever you’d like. Be sure to keep the tab open and allow the model to save. It should now be visible both in the Rx along with the original scans, and also can be found in the Patient’s profile, and in the View STL Print List if you browse there by hovering over the EasyRx 3D icon at the top of your Home page.

23)  If you run into any issues, or cannot adjust trim points to where you can trim your model, please reach out to by clicking on the "Contact Support" tab at the top of your main screen in EasyRx.

We have an extensive video library available at https://easyrx.desk.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2869554-easyvid-video-series-easyrx-3d-edit-videos



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