Enabling and Using EasyRx's Open Dental integration
Enabling and Using EasyRx's Open Dental integration
What the integration does:
Integration Overview:
The EasyRx Open Dental integration will be able to Create a Patient or Link an existing patient from Open Dental.
The integration will import the following patient data to EasyRx from Open Dental:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Email
- External Patient
- Address
- Mobile Phone
- Appointment Date & Time
- Type Code & Description
- Location
EasyRx: You must have an EasyRx monthly or annual subscription of EasyRx Practice Standard or Standard + EasyRx 3D or Premium. Open Dental: In order to use the API, the office must have an eConnector running. See eConnector for installation instructions.

EasyRx is only able to provide one Open Dental API Key per EasyRx account
How to enable your Open Dental EasyRx API :
How to enable your Open Dental EasyRx API :
If you have not received your API Key please contact EasyRx Support there should be a
contact support from your support menu at the top of your account and the menu will display out contact email:
support@easyrxcloud.com , phone : number
1-888-340-3751 & Chat option. If you use our link to our support email it should generate a subject for you we would only need to know what your practice name is on the account , the practice name should be found to the top right hand corner if you are logged in.
Once you have received your Open Dental API Key the first step would be in Open Dental and add your new API key to start go to:
Setup → Advanced Setup → FHIR or API
The second step we need to do is add a link to EasyRx on to the Open Dental Tx Plan this can be done in the Program Links.
Setup → Program Links →Add
The EasyRx Program Link settings should look like the following
[EasyRx Program Links Settings]
- Description : EasyRx
- Impot:
This button is used to upload the EasyRx Logo onto the Tx Plan. (the logo download is a the bottom of the page or here
- Where to find the new EasyRx Tx Plan Link:
The link should be right above Pre Authorizations

- To use the integration click on the EasyRx icon in the Tx Plan that is open for patient. The integration should ask you to connect an exisiting EasyRx Patient or Create a new one with the patients demographic info & appointment information if there's an appointment that is scheduled & confirmed.

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