How to Increase Entire Price List (by Percentage)

How to Increase Entire Price List (by Percentage)

To increase an entire price list by a percentage, first navigate to the Price Lists under Product Management>Price Lists.
  1. Select the drop-down on the right of the price list to be increased
  2. Choose "Clone"
  3. Enter a New Price List Name (eg; Standard Price 2024, or 2024 7% Increase)
  4. Enter the desired percentage increase or decrease if lowering the pricelist
  5. Select the desired Rounding Rule for the prices (No Rounding, Nearest Dime, Nearest Quarter, Nearest Half Dollar, Nearest Dollar)
  6. Select "Save"
This will create the new price list with the desired price increase. To move the accounts from the old price list to the new price list, follow the steps below.
  1. Select the drop-down on the right of the original price list
  2. Select View Accounts
  3. Choose the menu button on the right on the Count.
  4. Select Show All to see all accounts on the price list
  5. Select each account to move, or click Select All to move all accounts
  6. Once the accounts are selected, click the menu on the right of Selected Accounts and click Move
  7. Select the price list from the drop down to move the accounts. 
  8. Click "Yes, proceed"
Below is a video link to show the process.

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