How to upload .STL files and send to your lab
EasyRx instructions for practices
The purpose of this post is to show the procedure when sending a digital prescription with or without a digital .STL file to your lab for appliance fabrication.
The EasyRx system is only compatible with Edge, Firefox, and Chrome. Best performance and compatibility can be experienced using Firefox and Chrome.
The first step is to export your .STL file from the intra oral scanner. In the case of iTero, please follow the instructions of scanning and exporting an iRecord from MyAlignTech. Exporting instructions can be provided by iTero. Be sure to know the destination on the computer of where files will be saved.
Here are the following steps when submitting a digital case to your lab:
- Navigate to and click the “log in” button.
- Sign in with your username and password. This will be provided by either your lab or you can sign at
- On the home page you will see your cases that have been “SAVED” (cases that have not been submitted to the lab awaiting checkout) or “SUBMITTED” (cases sent to the lab). You can view the status and design of any case by searching in the search bar at the top right of the page.
- When creating a new Rx click the green “Create RX” button on the top left hand side. If you are using a practice management integration you will want
to create the RX from there.
- Start typing in the patient's name. Be sure to check if the name pops up below the text box. If so, choose that name. The EasyRx system has patient profiles and if the name pops up, that means the patient already exists in the system and you will be creating another Rx for that patient. This is important so patients do not have multiple profiles. Also, be sure to choose your lab in the list of labs and indicate if there are any patient allergies. That information is saved in the patient's profile.
- You will now be on the Prescription workspace. On the left hand you will see the parts library. Click the desired category of the part you are looking for. You can also search for parts in the “search box” above the parts library. Once you have found the part you are looking for, simply click and drag it to the desired tooth. You will begin to start building your appliance prescription.
- You can also choose a template which can be found under the teeth canvas. Click “Add” and a predesigned template will appear on the teeth. Parts can still be moved on the canvas. Templates can be created and modified from the template manager at the top of the screen.
- When uploading a digital STL file, click the “Uploads” button underneath the canvas. Navigate on the computer where the STL digital files are located. If using FireFox, chrome, or Edge you can drag the STL files directly in the uploads area. If using Microsoft Explorer, click the “add files” button and navigate to where the STL files are located on your computer.
- Once finished, click the "Sign and Submit" button at the bottom of the page. You will be taken to the confirmation page. If you have a digital STL file attached to the case, you are finished. If sending with a plaster cast or impression, print out the Rx and send with the case.
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