About Invisalign Bar Code Scanning
EasyRx added a new feature for accounts using Invisalign Tracker labs to track Invisalign cases. The Invisalign Bar Code Scanning feature allows the bar code displayed on the outside of Invisalign boxes to be scanned; when scanned, EasyRx looks up the patient's corresponding Rx and marks the case as Received. The idea is to make it easy and fast to easily mark Invisalign cases as received in EasyRx.
The patient's Invisalign Patient ID is entered either on the Invisalign Rx or on the patient's record; when the practice scans the patient's Invisalign shipping bar code, the case is marked as received by EasyRx.
The new feature also has a dashboard where there's a log of these scanned cases where EasyRx lets you know if the Invisalign Patient ID is found or not to mark the prescription as received.
- Practice Premium account
- Invisalign Tracker Laboratory
(please contact support if you wish to add this to your account).
Enabling the Invisalign Bar Code Scanning
Go to Account Options -- Enable Invisalign Bar Code Scanning
"Enable Invisalign Bar Code Scanning
-- If checked, allows receiving cases by scanning the Invisalign patient id."
After selecting your Invisalign Tracker Lab as the laboratory recipient there will be a tracker icon in the prescription canvas right side menu.
The add the Invisalign Patient ID click on the icon then enter the patient's Invisalign info on the pop-up.
Submit the case you should be able to see the Invisalign Patient ID at the top portion of the prescription under the status bar.
NOTE: The Invisalign Case Number and Invisalign Patient ID are often the same number.
To scan a package, click the universal search magnifying glass in the upper right of the dashboard and place the cursor in the search field. Scan your Invisalign barcode from the shipping package; EasyRx will reply that the case is received.