Q: How do I download a batch of invoices to be sent to a Customer by email?
A: Although there is not a way to automate sending a batch of invoices at this time, you can do the following for the customers that request Invoices to be sent together such as for monthly statements:
From the VisualDLP Launchpad, access the Orders Menu.
1. Click on Order Entry
2. Search by Account at the top of the screen to locate all orders for a specific account. [Notice that they are sorted in ascending order, so the more recent invoices should be at the top of the resulting list.]
3. Considering the dates and the order status, select the Invoiced Orders that you would like to batch.
4. At the top of the screen, click Batch Print and then click Zip Invoices.
5. Instantly, a notification at the top of the Order Entry screen will indicate that a document(s) has been sent to the printer job portal. If you click the notification button, the "Print Orders" window will show you that it is processing the job you submitted.
[Note: To have documents to zip into a file, VisualDLP must first generate each document that you selected, so the process may take a few minutes.]
6. When processing is completed, you can click the Download button to name and save the zip file locally on your computer. We recommend that you create a folder that you use regularly and give each zip file a meaningful name such as "Account Name June 2020 Invoices" so that you can locate the zip file easily when ready to send or access.
5. Once you have downloaded your zipped file of Invoices, you can browse to your saved folder, select and attach it in the email to the account.
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