Lab Dashboard - Configuration and Usage

Lab Dashboard - Configuration and Usage

Lab Dashboard 

Use Lab Dashboard to monitor your orders in production. Contact Jenmar Support to have Lab Dashboard added to your available modules.

Example Scenario:  The product PFM has a series of activities that must be completed to produce it such as Articulate and Pour Model. Certain employees in the lab may perform specific activities and can be added to those activities as authorized employees. In addition, the required activities can be added to a workflow to which the product can be linked. *Upon entering a product on an order, if the product is assigned to a workflow, the activities are scheduled and employees are assigned to the activities, VisualDLP can help track the order's progress on Lab Dashboard.

Summary of steps: If all of these configurations have been completed, begin by entering an Order. Add a product. The product's linked workflow will auto-populate all the required activities. Schedule the activities. On the Order Entry screen, assign an authorized employee to each activity.  Once the order is in production, employees scan or mark each activity as completed as it moves along the production process. 

For Lab Dashboard to be fully utilized, it is recommended that the following features be configured and included in your operations. This article will list them for reference at the beginning and then provide more detailed screenshots at the end of the article. 

1. Configure Employees, Activities, Workflow and Products: 

From VisualDLP Launch Pad, access Order Management ->
People -> Employees -> Add New button -> Enter Employee Information -> Activities tab -> Add employees' authorized activities
Production -> Activities -> select an Activity -> Authorized Employees tab -> Add Employees

Production -> Workflows -> select a Workflow -> Move the Activity options in work flow order from Right to Left, assign Days and Ranking
Production -> Workflows -> select a Workflow -> Products tab -> Add Products to Workflow

2. Daily Usage (Order Entry): 

From VisualDLP Launch Pad, access Order Management ->
Orders -> Order Entry -> Create or select Order -> Add Product to Order
Orders -> Order Entry -> Create or select Order -> Assign Employees to scheduled Activities

3. Daily Usage (Production): 

From VisualDLP Launch Pad, access Order Management -> Orders -> Order Entry -> Select Order -> Schedule Details tab -> Locate Activity -> Click Complete button
From VisualDLP Launch Pad, access Employee Interface -> search for Order -> Locate Activity -> Click Complete button 

4. Configuration (Lab Dashboard):

From Visual DLP Launch Pad, access Lab Dashboard -> Activities Due -> Click to Select Activities gear
  1. Each User can click the check box to select each activity to be monitored on both the Activities Due and Late Activities dashboards.
  2. The Select Activities gear configures both dashboards.

5. Usage (Lab Dashboard):

From Visual DLP Launch Pad, access Lab Dashboard -> Activities Due -> View Dashboard
  1. The selected or 'showing' activities are listed at the top of the Dashboard.
  2. The Lab Dashboard will display orders that include the activities selected and that are due today and days leading up to today.
  3. The Total provides the number of rows on the displayed list.
  4. The Units Due Today bar provides the total Quantity indicated by a triangle.
  5. The order list displays the Order Number, Pan #, Account Name, Doctor Name, Activity Name, Order Due Date, Quantity, Availability and Booked/Assigned Employee from the Order.
  6. The Activities Due dashboard refreshes automatically. 
From Visual DLP Launch Pad, access Lab Dashboard -> Late Activities -> View Dashboard
  1. The selected or 'showing' activities are listed at the top of the Dashboard.
  2. The Lab Dashboard will display orders that include the activities selected and that are past due today.
  3. The Total provides the number of rows on the displayed list.
  4. The Units Due Today bar provides the total Quantity indicated by a triangle.
  5. The order list displays the Order Number, Pan #, Account Name, Doctor Name, Activity Name, Order Due Date, Quantity, Availability and Booked/Assigned Employee from the Order.

1. Configure Employees, Activities, Workflow and Products: 

From VisualDLP Launch Pad, access Order Management ->
People -> Employees -> Add New button -> Enter Employee Information -> Activities tab -> Add employees' authorized activities

Production -> Activities -> select an Activity -> Authorized Employees tab -> Add Employees

Production -> Workflows -> select a Workflow -> Move the Activity options in order from Right to Left, assign Days and Ranking

Production -> Workflows -> select a Workflow -> Products tab -> Add Products to Workflow

2. Daily Usage (Order Entry): 

From VisualDLP Launch Pad, access Order Management ->
Orders -> Order Entry -> Create or select Order -> Add Product to Order
Orders -> Order Entry -> Create or select Order -> Assign Employees to scheduled Activities

3. Daily Usage (Production): 

From VisualDLP Launch Pad, access Order Management -> Orders -> Order Entry -> Select Order -> Schedule Details tab -> Locate Activity -> Click Complete button

From VisualDLP Launch Pad, access Employee Interface -> search for Order -> Locate Activity -> Click Complete button 

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