Business Locations and Default Product Workflows

Business Locations and Default Product Workflows

This feature allows users to set up multiple business locations, these locations can be assigned to employees and products to define default workflows by location. By utilizing business locations, users are able to set up default workflows for products, so at order-entry products will automatically have their default workflow selected.

For example, let’s say Business A has 2 other locations, Location A and Location B. Users can set up these locations under Settings > Business Locations > Add Business Location.

Then, users can assign locations to employees on their employee page, People > Employees.


Lastly, users can assign locations to workflows at the product level. Navigate to Product Management > Products > select any product > Workflows tab.

Notice we have 2 workflows entered for this product with a default workflow selected for Location A. So, when an employee, assigned to Location A, enters an order with 3 Unit Bridge the default workflow for Location A will be selected.

Employees not assigned to a location will not have a default workflow selected at order entry, unless the product has a default workflow assigned not based on location.

Observe that we have 2 workflows assigned to this product with a default workflow not based on location. Now, at order entry any employee who enters this product will have TEST WF selected as the default workflow. To set the default workflow, simply click the icon with the check mark.

Users that do not have multiple locations can expect the same behavior for default workflows with the added benefit of assigning workflows at the product level.

Add Business Location

·          Navigate to Settings > Business Locations


·         Click Add Business Location, enter Location Name and Description and click save

Assign Business Location to Employee

·         Navigate to People > Employees > select an employee, then select a business location from the drop-down menu and click save

Assign Default Workflow – Location-based

·         Navigate to Product Management > Products > select a product. Under the workflow tab, add a workflow if none are assigned to the product.

·         Next, select a location from the drop-down menu. A pop-up will display confirming if you would like to set the default for the location you selected.

Assign Default Workflow – No location

·         Navigate to Product Management > Products > select a product. Under the workflow tab, add a workflow if none are assigned to the product.

·         Then click the icon with the check mark to assign a workflow as the default.

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