Planmeca Romexis Integration

Planmeca Romexis Integration

EasyRx now integrates with Planmeca Romexis, version 5.3.3,  allowing Planmeca scans to be exported directly to EasyRx. 

To set up the integration, follow these steps:

1.      Go to Admin -- Local Settings to open the set up screen:

2.      Click on Choose a Lab to Export, then click [Add]

3.  On the Add Screen, enter the following:
name: EasyRx
Logo: browse to where you downloaded the Big E logo.  The Big E logo is attached at the end of this article, available for download.

Click OK to save and Ok on the next screen. Once configured,  EasyRx will be displayed as a lab to export:

Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your work. After restarting, you will be required to restart Romexis.

Using the Integration.

To use the integration, open a patient with STL Models. On the Model Export screen,  EasyRx will be displayed:

When EasyRx is clicked, you are prompted for the folder to export the scans.  You can set up a local folder or a network folder. If you want the exported scans available to anyone on the network, set up a network folder.

Once the scans are successfully exported, a success message is displayed:

The STL files are exported to the selected folder.  The naming format is the patient's ID_lower and patient_upper

Next Step is open EasyRx, browse the correct patient and attach the scans

Tip:  Hold down [Ctrl] + click to select both files at the same time.

That is it!  Now the scans are in EasyRx,  The scans will be automatically Optimized and can be prepped for 3D printing. 

As always, we are here if you have questions.  


The EasyRx Team
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