Remakes - Set Remake Details: Remake Reasons and %Percentages

Remakes - Set Remake Details: Remake Reasons and %Percentages

Remakes - Set Remake Details: Remake Reasons and %Percentages

Remake Enhancements and Changes (2020-11 Update)

Remake are now added on the Remake Detail tab.  You no longer set remakes under Things You Can Do.


  1. If there is discount on the Order's Product Line, it will take precedence over the Remake Discount. Discounts will be applied before any Remake percent is applied. 
  2. The History tab will now show each product selected and the Remake % Discount that was allocated when set or changed.

When setting the Remake Details:

  1. The Discount % will default to 0%. To change it, click on the 0% value and enter the correct percentage.