Setting Up and Using The Cloud 9 Integration

Setting Up and Using The Cloud 9 Integration

EasyRx and the great folks at Cloud 9 have developed an integration, allowing data to transfer from Cloud 9 to EasyRx and from EasyRx back to Cloud 9. 


-You must be running Cloud 9 version 5.1 or higher 
-You must be on an EasyRx Practice Standard, Standard + EasyRx 3D, or EasyRx Premium Plan 
-You must sign and return the Cloud 9 - EasyRx Authorization Form attached in this article

To get started, you need to sign an Integration Agreement with Cloud 9. The agreement is attached to this KB article; attachments are at the bottom of the article. 

1. Sign and return the Cloud 9 - EasyRx Authorization Form: Email to both and 
2. Cloud 9 will issue your API Credentials and forward to us 
3. Using these credentials, we'll enable the integration in EasyRx. 

Cloud 9 Set Up

Once the integration is enabled, there is some setup work to do in Cloud 9
Add EasyRx to the Quicklinks Menu
We recommend adding EasyRx to the Quicklinks menu. To do, following the instructions attached to this KB article

Edit Employee Permissions
Edit who can add, delete, edit and view

Review and edit employee permissions:
  1. Edit --> Setup
  2. Choose Employees in left menu
  3. Click on the Add (+) button if a new employee OR highlight the existing employee and choose the Edit button
  4. Wait for the Permissions window to load
  5. Scroll down and locate the appropriate permissions wanted (options for Vendor Comments listed below)
  6. Place a checkmark in the boxes for which the employee should have this permission --> OK
  7. When the employee logs back in, it should then be there
An admin would have to login to Cloud9 and then this will be under "Employees" (not "Employers")
Only those with Edit Employee Permissions can change these for any office employee (ie: Doctor, sometimes Office Mgr).
For more information, please see the attached document supplied by Cloud 9

Vendor Comments Permissions
Review and edit Vendor Comment Permissions:
  • PCT Add: Vendor Comment (allows the employee to add a comment with "Vendor Comment" as the type)
  • PCT Delete: Vendor Comment (allows the employee to completely remove ANY comments listing "Vendor Comment" as type)
  • PCT Edit: Vendor Comment (allows the employee to change the text or any selections under comments with a "Vendor Comment" type)
  • PCT View: Vendor Comment (allows the employee to view and read "Vendor Comment" types)
Once the integration is enabled, a Cloud 9 Menu option is seen on the Dashboard

Using the Integration 

NOTE: It is important to understand, there are two patient lists:

1.      The Cloud 9 patient list, which is a list of all your patients in Cloud 9
2.      The EasyRx Patient list, which is all of your patient in EasyRx.

For the integration to share data, the Cloud 9 record must be linked to the EasyRx patient record.  The integration is designed to link these two patient records.

Using the Cloud 9 Patient List from the Main Dashboard

From the EasyRx Prescription Dashboard, all Cloud 9 patients are displayed under the Menu Tab - Cloud 9 Patients. 

From this list, you can search your Cloud 9 patient list for the patient you need to work with in  EasyRx.  There are a couple of options

1. [create Rx].  Clicking this copies the selected patient's information to EasyRx and opens the patient information page.   If the patient does not already exist in EasyRx, the patient is automatically added to EasyRx and linked to their Cloud 9 patient record.  If the patient already exists in EasyRx and is linked to the Cloud 9 patient, the existing EasyRx patient record is used to create the Rx.   Once this screen opens, click [Create Rx] to create a Rx for the patient. 

2. [check for new patients] - Day to Day the integration synchs new data nightly.  If you add a new patient today and need to create a Rx for them, click [check for new patients] to synch new patients added since last night.  Once the sync finishes, search for the patient to create an Rx for the patient. 

Using the Integration when Clicking [Create Rx] Button

If you prefer, you can click [Create Rx], doing so when open the Cloud 9 patient lookup screen.
You have a couple of options:
1. Creating Rx for Existing Patient in EasyRx
2. Creating Rx for Patient in Cloud 9 But Not in EasyRx 

Creating Rx for Existing EasyRx Patient 
Search for the patient in the list of existing EasyRx patients. If the patient is in EasyRx, select the patient and click 'Create Rx' create a prescription for the patient. You can also view or edit the patient record. 

Create EasyRx Patient from Cloud 9 Patient List 

If the patient is not found in the list of existing patients in EasyRx, move down to create a patient in EasyRx from your list of Cloud 9 patients. This is a list of all of your patients in Cloud 9. 

You will search for your patient's name in list of Cloud 9 patients, and either click ‘create rx’ or ‘create patient’  

When selecting either, you will be prompted to with two options on how you would like to create the patient in EasyRx. 
You can either search to ensure the patient is not already in EasyRx.

If that patient already exists in EasyRx, you can associate the record in your system with the patient in EasyRx 

If the patient doesn't exist in EasyRx, you can create it.  

After connecting the patient, ‘Create Rx’ will bring you to the EasyRx Universal Lab Prescription Form where you can create a prescription as you normally would.  

The other option is ‘Create Patient’ After connecting the patient this will bring you to the patient record. From here, you can create a prescription, view any patient information, and attach scans. 

With the Cloud 9 patient record linked to the EasyRx patient record, data can now be transferred from Cloud 9 to EasyRx and from EasyRx to Cloud 9. When you look at the patient record in Cloud 9, you will see comments, appointment information, and more.  

Linking Existing EasyRx Patient to Cloud 9 Patient 

If you look up a patient in EasyRx and they are not currently linked to the Cloud 9 patient, you will see an option to link the patient.  

Under the patient's name, you will see ‘This patient is not linked to a patient record in your practice management software' with the option to link the patient. By clicking on ‘Click Here to Link the patient.’ you will be prompted to connect the patient in EasyRx with the patient in Cloud 9, allowing patient data to be transferred between EasyRx and Cloud 9. 

From EasyRx to Cloud 9 Integration

  • A prescription is submitted for a patient 
  • A prescription is un-submitted for a patient 
  • A prescription is marked as delivered to a patient 
  • A prescription is marked as un-delivered for a patient
These Treatment Card Comment entries are written automatically during the nightly synch.  Cloud 9 version 5.1 or higher is required for the Patient Comment to get posted to Cloud 9


The Cloud 9 to EasyRx data synchronization runs nights. Patient demographic changes, new patients added and appointment information updated today in Cloud 9 will show in EasyRx tomorrow.  New patients can be sycned "real-time" via the "check for new patients" link on the Cloud 9 dashboard
Once a patient is added to EasyRx, the patient can be found under both the Cloud 9 - Patient list or the Patients list in EasyRx.  Accessing the patient from EasyRx patient list displays their demographic information, prescription history and attached files, like STL files. 

The Appointment Data from Cloud 9 to EasyRx syncs as follows:
  • The next future appointment is synchronized. For example, if a patient has two appointments in the future, the first one will synchronize
  • If the patient does not have any future appointments, the most recent past appointment is displayed.
  • If the patient has no future or past appointment, the appointment information is blank

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