What's New May 2016 Update

What's New May 2016 Update

It's that time again - we've coded-away at some exciting enhancements and a few fixes that will make your EasyRx experience smoother!  

New Features:

Redesigned Practice and Lab Dashboards
This is one of our highlights this month! All EasyRx Practice and Lab users will notice a new, more user-friendly dashboard. The landing page after logging in was originally named "View Rx" has been to renamed "Dashboard" to keep the nomenclature accurate when referencing it on our tutorials and guides. How dashing!

By default, your dashboard will show you cases that have been submitted within the last 30 days.

You may filter cases using a new side-bar menu on the left of your dashboard. You can view the following categories:

-Saved - Shows saved prescriptions (not yet submitted)
-All Submitted - shows all submitted cases, including cases in statuses of Checked-In, Shipped, Received
-Checked-In  - shows cases submitted that have been checked-in by the respective lab
-Shipped - shows cases that have shipped from their respective lab
-Received - shows cases that have been marked as received by your practice
-Notifications - shows submitted cases with pending case notifications that you need to address from your lab
-Needed Soon - shows only submitted cases that have a Needed By date within 14 days from today's date or less

A new date range filter has also been added to further sort your cases on specific categories.

The lab dashboard now has the ability to view prescriptions by categories.

Categories that can be filtered include:
-All Submitted - shows all submitted cases regardless of model source
-Digitally Submitted - shows only green-highlighted cases [cases with digital models attached] or that may have 'other' marked as the model source
-Physically Submitted - shows only cases that will have physical impressions/models expected
-Checked-In - shows only cases that have already been checked-in to your lab
-Checked-Out shows only cases that have been checked-out [applicable only to premium EasyRx labs or higher]
-Notifications - shows cases that have pending notifications that were made using the "send notification" feature on them
-Reminders - shows only cases that have reminders set to them [reminders are created by the lab from the canvas menu bar when editing a prescription]

Additionally, you can filter date ranges for Date Submitted or Date Needed when viewing the All Submitted, Digital Submitted, and Physical Submitted categories. 

Marking cases as Received and Delivered
EasyRx Practice accounts will notice two columns on their dashboard. One, shown as "Rec'd" short for "Received". Also a new column listed as "Del'd" which is short for "Delivered". The Delivered column can now be toggled to show that you or your staff have delivered the appliance to your patient!

You can mark a case as Received by clicking the status, which is usually indicated by the letter "N" for no or "Y" for Yes. This toggle indicates that your office has received the case from your lab. Practices that have multiple locations will have the ability to choose which of their offices received the cases when it's toggled to "Y".

Received can also be toggled from the "View Prescription" page on any submitted prescription. You can mark a case as received by clicking the [Received from Lab] tab as indicated on the image below. EasyRx will record the date that it was marked as such when viewing the prescription.

If a prescription is marked as "Y" for Delivered, it will also automatically update the Received status to Yes, recording both the Date Received and Date Delivered fields.


Redefined Prescription Feedback Category - Doctor Time/Fit 

The original criteria "Fit" in our Prescription Feedback feature has been expanded as Doctor Time/Fit. Based on our customers usage of the Feedback form, we understood that Fit also affected the time it took doctors to implement appliances. Appliances that took longer to implement usually required modification or adjustments. Now doctors can rate an appliance under the following new definition for Doctor Time/Fit:

Both Lab Invoices and EasyRx Invoices now selectable from menu item [Invoices]
To help make the Invoices page more functional, we added the ability to view Lab Invoices and EasyRx Invoices that show your monthly usage statements. All of which can be downloaded as PDFs for your convenience. We hope this makes invoice searching much more simpler!

Monthly EasyRx statements can still also be accessed from 
the top-right user dropdown menu, then click on [Billing Information] then [Invoices]. As shown below. 

Labs: Cases with Digital Files will now always stay highlighted green even when sorted or filtered
Previously, EasyRx Lab users may have noticed that when sorting Rx's by date, doctor, or any of the other column options, cases that were highlighted green would no longer be highlighted until the page was refreshed. We've fixed this so all submitted cases that are highlighted green, will stay green even when filtered. This includes if you scroll and change page to view more Rxs. The example list below was filtered by date Submitted.

In-house Labs and Lab "Per Script" can now check-in cases!
To hone a more thorough workflow, in-house labs can now have users and/or their lab technicians 'Check-in' any cases submitted to their in-house lab. Marking a case as "Checked-In" will workflow bar so that practice office managers and doctors can view any Rx sitting in the in-house lab queue to see if it's being worked on. Previously, in house labs could only complete the case which would automatically mark the "Checked-In" status. Now it can be checked-in prior to marked as "completed", if needed. 

Here is what the workflow bar looks like after a case is marked as "Checked-In"- It also includes the date the lab checked-in the case.

For our Lab "Per Script" accounts, previously you had to download a case in order for the case status to be marked as "Checked-in". We understand that not every user needed to download the case, so now provide a simple "Check-In" button to mark the cases as such more easily. Clicking [Download] will still automatically mark the case as checked-in.

Appliance Tracking Report - New options added
In April, we added our new Appliance Tracker feature that allows in-house labs and as well as Lab Premium and Enterprise users to track templates / appliances that were used in prescriptions and generate reports. To help make the reports more viable, we'd added the options to Group By Practice and view the Total Counts in the reports. Use these reports to help your lab gather data on your most commonly used appliances / rx's and budget your appliance costs. All reports can be saved as .CSV or .Excel format as well.

EasyRx - Patents Pending - Logo Update
Finally, an item worth mentioning since you may have noticed a slight change to our logo. We are very excited to share that EasyRx successfully completed multiple patent submissions to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, application number 15/072,198. There are several components of EasyRx we feel are extraordinarily innovative and want to protect via patents. You will now see updated logos throughout our website and application that show "patents pending" on our logo. 

Knowledge Base Additions:

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