Order Entry
Orders: Enclosures List - Configuration and Usage
Enclosures List - Configuration and Usage VisualDLP includes a comprehensive list of items that can be added as an Enclosure to an Order. Added enclosures can be included on Work Tickets. The system default list is not editable. However, custom ...
Setting Your Search Sensitivity
To set search sensitivity the first time, click the Magnifying Glass icon on the search bar. Then slide ithe slider all the way to the right to the most Sensitive Search setting then back to the left to the least.
How to download a batch of invoices for a specific Account (Zip File)
Q: How do I download a batch of invoices to be sent to a Customer by email? A: Although there is not a way to automate sending a batch of invoices at this time, you can do the following for the customers that request Invoices to be sent together ...
Estimated Charges Not Appearing on Proposals
Proposals created prior to the October 2019 update did not have the correct Estimated Charge displayed. The October update fixes this. However, proposals created prior to the October update need to be re-saved. To do this, make an edit to the ...
Where Does On Hold Reason Appear
When an Order is put on hold, the reason you add wil appear in the Order History tab:
Patient Name Not Saving in Order
When the Last Name only was added to an order and saved, it did not retain it. The last name had to be added to the First Name field to be saved. Escalating to development to fix.
Price List Changes and Existing Orders
If you make a change to a product price on a price list the existing orders that have the product will be invoiced out at the old price. Changes to prices do not change orders already entered into the system.
Can't Find Doctor in Case Entry when searching by First Name, only Last Name
In Global Settings, on the Order Entry Data Settings page, First Name was not selected as a search field. This setting determines what information may be searched in Order Entry.
Entering Remake and Adjustments from Original Order
If you have to enter a Remake or Adjustment case, you can easily duplicate the original order by following the steps below. This will link the new order to the original and allow you to copy information from the original order without having to ...
Creating Proposals for Accounts
There are times when an account wants to know ahead of time how much a case is going to cost. You can create proposals in VisualDLP and print out a copy of it to send to the Doctor. Creating a proposal uses similar steps as creating an order, ...
Custom Work Tickets for Workflows and Products
There are times when a particular product or workflow needs to have a custom Work Ticket. For example, if your lab were to out-source production of a product or component to a partner lab or manufacturer you may need to send a work order request ...
Order Entry and Invoicing Alerts
You can add alerts to an account that will appear when you: 1) enter an order for that account or 2) invoice an order for that account These alerts can be used to remind of important information about the account. The alerts appear as a pop-up on ...
Quick View from Search Results
You can Preview an Order without having to open it from the Order List/Search Results in Order Entry. This saves you time and clicks when trying to find a specific order. To see the Quick View of a case, click on the Eye icon in the order list. ...
Phonetic Patient Search
When you search for a patient from the Order list, you will have a higher likelihood of finding orders even when the patient’s name was entered with a misspelling. Order Search now uses a Phonetic analyzer to search names and will return matches ...