Pay for Practice feature - how to optionally pay for your practice's use of EasyRx

Pay for Practice feature - how to optionally pay for your practice's use of EasyRx

Did you know your EasyRx lab account has the ability to pay for your practice's use of EasyRx to submit Rx's to your lab? We've built a nifty feature that allows you to setup rules to help pay for part or all of their EasyRx monthly cost. 

Note: Your practice will need to connected with your lab in their EasyRx account before this can be configured.

Login to your EasyRx lab account and select the [Practices] menu option

Click [View] on the practice who's subscription you'd like to pay:


Click the [Pay for practice] sub menu option then click [Add Another Rule]

On the next page, enter the percentage of the practice’s total monthly fee you would like to cover. Do not enter a [%] symbol. If you want to cover their entire expense, you would enter 100.

Submissions required monthly: Optionally you can require that the practice send your lab X amount of cases at minimum each month before you decide to cover x percentage of their monthly expense. If you want to cover their expense regardless of total submissions, simply enter 0.

Status: You should leave this as “Active” if you want EasyRx to keep this rule in effect. You can come back and mark it as “Inactive” if you want to stop paying for their usage.
Once these are all specified, then click [Save].

Good to know: Be sure to communicate with your practice that you are discontinuing your ‘pay for practice’ rule so they are aware we will bill them directly to their payment information instead of yours. Then click [Save].

That’s it! Moving forward, EasyRx will bill your lab’s EasyRx Lab card on file for the practice’s usage based on the rules you created. We will show these charges as a separate line item on your monthly EasyRx invoice. If you chose, for example, to pay for 100% for their usage, the practice’s card on file will not be charged, we will still send them a monthly invoice showing their total EasyRx fees however there will be a line item will note that your lab has covered their expense. If you opt to pay for less than 100% of their fees, the different will be billed to the practice's payment info on file in their EasyRx account. 

If you have questions or would like additional assistance - Call us at 1-888-340-3751 or email us at