EasyRx Real Time Server Status
Click on the link to for up-to-the-minute information on the service availability of EasyRx. If you are experiencing a real-time, operational issue with one of our services, please contact us for help. EasyRx Real Time Server Status
April 7th Updates and Enhancements
We recently released new updates and enhancements to EasyRx! You can find all updates and enhancements at: EasyRx Automation changes: - New Trimming
February 2022 Updates and Enhancements
NEW FEATURES, ENHANCEMENTS, AND UPDATES New features: New Lab Tracker Enhancement: Cases can be checked-in & completed New Connect lab Enhancement: Connect lab accounts now also undo-check ins on Rxs. New Lab Enhancement: Update Internal Practice Emails
December 2021 Updates and Enhancements
We recently released some great new updates and enhancements! Here is a quick overview of what went out in this release. • Free cutting plane is now out; allows users to place multiple cutting planes at and adjust the angle of the cut per plane. • Rx
Phone System is
Hello everyone! Our phone system is working again, but the 888 is not ringing into the system, please call 352-376-2285 or open a chat or email for support requests/issues. Thank you for the understanding, EasyRx Support