Changes and Enhancements Posted to EasyRx May 14 to June 10th

Changes and Enhancements Posted to EasyRx May 14 to June 10th

From May 14 to June 1, we upgraded a number of our internal technologies to keep our infrastructure current; Recent upgrades include PHP, MySQL, and computer services we're using at Amazon AWS.  Although not visible in the UX, these upgrades are necessary and critical to the technical health of the application long term.  We hope the overall experience improves.  Now that we've finished these upgrades, we can get back to enhancing EasyRx with additional features, refinements, and (egad) bug fixes.  We pushed out more changes last Thursday.  You can read all about these changes in the "What's New".   

We're always here to help if you have questions.


The EasyRx, Team