December 2017 - EasyRx Update and Newsletter

December 2017 - EasyRx Update and Newsletter

Welcome to the December 2017 Update and Newsletter. The last update and newsletter of 2017. We wanted to get one more update out the door this year, before we hit the ground running in 2018.   

Big New Enhancements in this update
  • New EasyRx Support and Help Center
  • New "Mark Cases as Shipped" on Lab Dashboards
  • EasyRx -- FormLabs Preform software integration now released! 
  • EasyRx 3D Edit - now supports adding drain holes
Other News and Notes
  • 13 Connected labs added in November and December 

New EasyRx Support and Help Center
We are very excited to roll-out revamped Support Contact methods and new Help Center page.   On the Account menu, you'll see there are now 5 ways to contact Support:
  • Phone - call our regular 888 number
  • SMS Text  - we've text enabled our main phone line, allowing you to text our 888 number
  • Email - email us at
  • Chat - chat with us - when selected the Chat Window opens
  • Help Center  - opens the new and improved EasyRx Help Center

We've also added a What's New link - which links to the most current "What's New Documentation"

New EasyRx Help Center
The EasyRx Help Center has been revamped with more options and functionality.  You can access our Knowledgeable and post questions in the forum. Additionally, you can log a support and view your support tickets, allowing you to view any notes and the status of your support tickets. After all, awesome software needs awesome support!

We invite you to take a tour of the new Help Center, log a support ticket, post a message in the forum.

Mark Cases as Shipped (Not applicable to In-House Labs) 
To make it easier for labs to quickly and efficiently mark cases as shipped in EasyRx, we've added a new dashboard view "Mark cases as Shipped"  From this screen, commercial labs can mark multiple cases as shipped, even optionally enter tracking numbers.  Once the cases are checked, click [Mark cases as shipped] and all selected cases will be marked as shipped:

NOTE: Mark Cases as Shipped is Available on Lab Connected, Standard and Premium plans. 

EasyRx -- FormLab PreForm software integration 
EasyRx now integrates with FormLabs PreForm software, allowing you to easily select based STL files in EasyRx and open these files in PreForm. Once the integration is enabled, the PreForm logo is displayed in the File Uploads section.  It is as easy as clicking the logo to launch PreForm and open the selected STL files. 

We've written a KB article explaining how to setup and use the integration:  Setup and Using FormLab Preform integration

Other Nifty and Time Saving Enhancements
We've made it easier for labs to send notifications to practices. We've added the [Send Notification] button to the View Rx page on lab logins:

We've added staff taking impression and staff submitting the case to the Create Rx page opened from patient information:

We've increased the number of tags supported to 50 and added more colors to the color palette - there are now 50 colors to support 50 tags.

New Prescription for labs:  Allow Changing of "Ship To Location on submitted cases"
Labs can now give practices the flexibility to change the Ship To Location on submitted cases.  To enable, go to Configure - Prescription Options and check "Allow Changing of "Ship To Location on submitted cases"

Change Appointment Date on Submitted Prescriptions 
Practices can now change the Appointment Date on Submitted Cases to labs.  To alert both the practice and lab, we've added a Alert Notification "Appointment Date edited on a Prescription Submitted to External Lab"

  • For 3Shape OrthoAnalyzer users, EasyRx now automatically unzips and extracts files *.3sz files, when uploaded to patient files
  • In-House labs can now "un-submit" and "un-complete" case from the View Rx page. 
  • We added a "are you sure?" message when linking a new patient to a existing patient via practice management integrations 
  • We added data validation to confirm a file is selected before opening EasyRx 3D - to prevent unwanted error messages
  • We added some help text to the [Save Tracking Number Field] on the checkout page: Optionally, enter a tracking number for the items you are shipping to the lab.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
  • We fixed a bug where you could select "other model source" but not be required to enter details on the model source
  • We fixed a bug where notes entered on the color chart were not saved if a color was not selected. The program now supports saving a prescription with the note only entered
  • We fixed a bug where cases in "pending" statuses, like departure pending, were not showing on the practice dashboard
  • We fixed a bug where the IPR value was not removed when [Clear All] was selected 
  • We fixed a bug where the Status column did not update when a Receive case was unmarked as Received

EasyRx 3D
-You can now place drain holes on hollow models.  Click "Add Drain Holes" when basing the model and EasyRx 3D automatically adds the drain holes. Two drain holes are placed in the back and one drain hole in the front. 

New Part movements added
  • Halterman Extension can now be flipped to show on lingual
  • Bloor Spring can now be flipped to support placing on the buccal side.
  • Headgear in Acrylic can now be moved between the 5s, 6s and 7s
  • Continuous Rest can now be placed on Upper
Referred by field now on the Sign-Up page
We've added a "referred by" field to the signup. Want a bonus? 
Tell your friends to sign up for EasyRx and list you as the referral and we'll send you a $10 gift card.

Connected Labs
We've added several Connected labs recently. Here is a list of the Connected labs added in November and December:
Visit the Connected Labs page for a complete list of Connected Labs:  EasyRx Connected Labs. Don't see your Connected lab?  Ask them to sign up! There is no charge for a lab to sign-up as a Connected lab. Support and training are also no cost to them, making it easy for them to accept your EasyRx cases!

Lastly, We wish everyone a very Happy New Year!

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