Exporting an EasyRx prescription as a PDF into Dolphin Management

Exporting an EasyRx prescription as a PDF into Dolphin Management

As part of the Dolphin / EasyRx integration, you will have the ability to use the Dolphin Document Organizer to push the EasyRx prescriptions into the Patient's Documents in your Dolphin Management software! 

It will store an electronic copy of the EasyRx prescription in a neat, organized PDF format, to save into the patients Document folder in Dolphin. 

What is the benefit of doing this?
Practices typically will scan the paper lab slip or print them out, fill them, then scan them back into Dolphin into the patient's chart. This guide will eliminate this process and help you go completely paperless with your lab slips.

We highly encourage you to do this if you feel its beneficial to add a copy of the EasyRx prescription form into Dolphin to keep with patient documents.

Keep in mind, EasyRx prescriptions are always securely saved into your EasyRx account, letting you access them 24/7. 

Sounds good, what's next?
First make sure you have the Dolphin integration installed and are familiar with how to use it. We have a guide here that explains how to install it. You will need to have a Practice Standard or Practice Premium subscription with EasyRx. If you are on our Per-Script plan, you can easily upgrade! Call our sales team at 1-888-340-3751 and they will help you upgrade your account. It takes only a few clicks!


When you go to print an Rx from EasyRx, you can select the Dolphin Document Organizer as the Printing Destination. 

When you click "print", it will then will open Dolphin Management (or bring you to Dolphin Management main screen if it's already open) and prompt you to choose where the file needs to go and what the file name needs to be.

It's possible Dolphin may be running in the background and will need to be brought back up to your screen if it was minimized before. You can tell this if the Dolphin icon is blinking on your desktop bar. Simply click the icon to pull Dolphin Management up. 

It will next ask you where to Assign the Document. You should choose Patient.

It will also show / allow you to rename the file to something more user-friendly. You can name it something like "Hawley Mar 20 2017" or leave it as-is. See example below to see how the file name shows by default. We strongly encourage you to come up with a short but simple file naming system to make life easier for your staff to find the correct PDF in the patients file. The date is usually sufficient. 

Once you click "OK", it then will prompt you to pick a patient that document will be saved to. See image below. Make sure the patient name lookup matches the patient that is on the Rx you are performing this process for. 

Once you click ok, you will get a confirmation that the document has been saved to the patient's file in Dolphin.

Now you can find the saved document when viewing the patient's record in Dolphin, then clicking the [Documents] tab. 

That's it! You now have a copy of the Rx as a PDF in Dolphin.

Best Practice
There are many places in EasyRx where a Print button exists during the submission process. It's always best to use the print button after you've Submitted the prescription from the View Prescription page. This will ensure you are sending out the most complete version of the Rx into Dolphin. There are print buttons available on the Prescription Workspace (where you put together the drawings) and also when viewing a Saved Prescription that is not yet Submitted to your lab.