Software Enhancements, Updates, and Bug Fixes - 2024

Software Enhancements, Updates, and Bug Fixes - 2024

This is a summary of the exciting new changes and corrections introduced in 2024.  This KB is updated as each update is released.   

If there is something in particular that you are looking for, you can search for a keyword on this page by clicking CTRL F on Windows, or Command F on Macs.

Visit the EasyRx Updates and Information KB Section in the Help Center to access all previous What's New KB articles

As always, we're available to help and answer questions.

The EasyRx Team

July 2024


Implementing Row Locking enhancement to prevent duplicate processing of the same case in run_api_actions.php

This fix is intended to allow multiple processes to run and handle Magic Touch cases/VDLP cases that are in the API_Queue pending to be sent over to their Hubs.

Research blank DOBs from Practice Management software like Cloud9

Blank DOBs coming from Practice Management softwares should now be gracefully handled (will enter a placeholder of 12/31/1969)

DiBSAi WebHook (OrthoSelect) app.yml entry: dibs_ai_webhook_url: '<'> done app.yml updated

OrthoSelect confirmed their tests are good on our Staging server so we're releasing this webhook.

Cloudberry Integration API Endpoint

Add webhook for KLOwen

Add Tag filter to Invisalign Scanned dashboard

June 2024


Practices can now require their users to add at least one template to an Rx before being able to Submit an Rx.

Go to Account Settings > Account Options > Require Template to submit Rx

We've enhanced the Ship Date Automation for labs to include Mass Cases Per Workday and Days In Lab scheduling by Part categories and Product Classes. 

May 2024


When Viewing an Rx, you can now differentiate between practice or lab tags: 

Part Adjustments:

Movement for Ball Clasp, and Ball Clasp (Splints) has been added between all of the 2nd and 3rd molars:

Anterior arm movement for Bilateral Distal Jet, Unilateral Distal Jet (R), and Bilateral Distal Jet (L) added to upper central and lateral incisors: 

April 30th, 2024 


Introducing: easyrxforms

EasyRx Forms is a neat new enhancement feature for EasyRx lab accounts.   EasyRx Lab accounts can now activate EasyRx Forms to custom-create electronic forms or questionnaires to send to their practice accounts and get updates when those forms have been filled out. Examples include feedback regarding quality or a new practice intake questionnaire; really any form or question or signature capture needed.  

EasyRx Forms
  1. Eliminate Paperwork
  2. HIPAA Compliant
  3. e-Signature support
  4. Convert your existing forms
  5. Flexible question formats
  6. Mobile-friendly
Use this link to learn more about EasyRx Forms:


We've added a new bulk Tag Manager feature!
Now, there's an easy way to take a group of Rxs that have Tags and Add or Remove Tags alike in bulk.  This was requested for accounts that need to switch tags on Rxs in bulk.  Use the filtering options, if that helps to pinpoint to group of Rxs you are looking for.  Then, select your Rxs on the left by clicking he checkbox, select ADD TAGS or REMOVE TAGS on the right.  You can add or remove multiple Tags at once:

Add Tags:

Remove Tags:

Bug Fixes:

We fixed a cosmetic issue on the Edit Rx page (for practices), under the list of available Templates with long names, it would distort the section; we've edited this to keep it visually uniform:

April 4th, 2024
Practices, we added a button to take you back to your Saved prescriptions after you click Sign and Submit and are on the View rx page:

Labs can now create Appliances and preserve the pricing for the appliance when applied to a template.  The Appliance pricing will override the cumulative cost of all parts that comprise the appliance:

March 2024

Upgrade to the iTero integration with EasyRx:

For all existing practice accounts, if you have not already, log in as your account Admin, go to Account Settings > 3rd Party Integrations, and follow the steps in the KB listed under iTero DPMS Accounts to upgrade your iTero integration with EasyRx. 

For new accounts, this is where and how you will set up your iTero integration with EasyRx:


Practices can now adjust the fields they want included in their Print View/Printed copies from the Dashboard.  Settings are in Account Settings > Print Dashboard Setup.  From there, you can drag and drop from the left column (Available Fields) to the right column (Fields on Print Dashboard), and organize in your preferred ordering by dragging the field(s) up or down:

Dashboard and respective fields available:

Print View

For practices with 3D and PTS Trim, we've made improvements to the movement behavior, and we've allowed users to move multiple dots simultaneously.  Use the shift key to select the first and last dot of your desired group of dots then left-click and drag the middle dots to move all dots together:

When editing STL files in EasyRx 3D and using the Refinement Tools, you can now use Hot Keys:
CTRL+F - starts refinement
CTRL+B - Build
CTRL+C = Carve
CTRL+S = Smooth
CTRL+M = Margin
CTRL+K = Blockout
CTRL+U = Cutout

New Parts and Appliances

We've added "Bonded RPE w/ Super Screw" to the Parts and Appliances Library:

February 2024


For practices, on the Mark Cases Rec/Del table, dates for when cases were marked as Rec'd and/or Del'd will show.
We have also added a Laboratory filter section:

Cloud9 integration - Vendor Comments getting written back to Cloud9 will include Templates, and/or Parts Used:

We've added Best Contact fields for labs to input when they go to Create a practice:

Practices submitting cases to labs using EasyRx Visual DLP can now access a payment portal through their EasyRx account:
Click on your practice name (in blue) at the top right corner of your dashboard > Click My Visual DLP Labs > Click Pay VDLP Lab
You can select your payment amount and add new credit cards if needed.

When a practice selects Request Repair or Request Remake from a previously delivered Rx, there will be a pop-up box requesting a comment from the practice as to why the request is being made - this will be helpful for the lab. 

Bug Fixes:

For accounts with 3D Ai Services, when Requesting a service through the 3D Command Center, ABR and/or ABS will need to be selected in order to process - you cannot leave the fields empty. 

We've fixed the Revision History section for Rxs - there was an issue of incorrect data showing:

January 2024

When selecting a lab, Office, or Ship To on the Rx edit page, the data will display in alphabetical order.

For both practices and labs, when a case has been submitted as a Refinement, Repair, or Remake, it will be clearly labeled on the Dashboard:
RM - Remake
RP - Repair
RF - Refinement

For practices with 3D, you can now set your default 3D basing settings to shave off some time when manually editing files in the 3D editor.

When editing files with PTS Trimline points, we've enhanced the software to allow for smoother and faster point adjustments. When one point is moved, the neighboring point will not move - which allows for sharper angles. The trim points are also smaller than before:

Bug fixes:

 3D Printer software - EnvisionOne RP had a recent software update that broke the integration to easily pull stl files from STL Print List or the patient's record over to the EnvisonOne RP software. That is fixed; you should now be able to download the integration again from Account Settings > 3rd Party Integrations page.  (Please contact support with any issues).
When manually editing an STL file in EasyRx 3D, there was an issue with upper files not adjusting when using EasyBase/AngledBase, adding the base, and going back to adjust the AngledBase. That has been fixed. 

When editing in 3D, if there is no trim line detected on the open shell STL file you are working on, there will now show an error/warning message.  Before this, accounts would only see a continuous spinning wheel. 


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