November 2017 EasyRx Update and Newsletter

November 2017 EasyRx Update and Newsletter

Welcome to the November 2017 Update. We've rolled out some big enhancements for both labs and practices using EasyRx! Let's get straight to the good stuff!

Big new enhancements
  • Stats
  • OrthoAnalyzer integration 
  • "S" column added to dashboard
  • Print label (Beta)
  • iTero integration improvements
  • Important tweaks and program fixes
  • EasyRx 3D Edit updates!
  • 9 new parts added to the EasyRx Universal Library of Parts and Appliances
EasyRx celebrates 100 EasyRx labs!! 
There are now over 100 EasyRx labs in the US, Canada and Australia. EasyRx is becoming the universal standard for orthodontic lab prescription software!  Thank you for help and support of EasyRx

Stats - 
We've had several requests to improve the reporting and data analytics in EasyRx. This month we are releasing Stats.  Stats is a great new feature providing detailed data analytics and reporting on your prescription usage.  

Stats displays prescription data broken down by
  • parts
  • appliances 
  • templates
  • models
  • aligners 
  • idb (indirect bonding)

  • For practices: filter by by date range, submitted or completed, lab, doctor, offices 
  • For labs: filter by date range, submitted or completed, practices, doctors, offices
Click on the count to drill down into the data to review in more detail, including quick access to each rx via the [view] button 

  • Stats is available on Practice Standard and Premium plans
  • Stats is available on Lab Standard, Premium or Enterprise plans
  • Print and Export to CSV options display on each page

OrthoAnalyzer integration 

To complement our 3Shape Communicate integration and to continue to integrate EasyRx with the 3Shape ecosystem, we've added a new integration with their OrthoAnalyzer software. This integration will work if your lab (in-house or receiving commercial lab) has a license of the 3Shape OrthoAnalyzer software.

The integration supports:
  • Entering the OrthoAnalyzer patient ID in EasyRx
  • Opening OrthoAnalyzer software from EasyRx
If 3Shape Communicate access is enabled, EasyRx displays a OrthoAnalyzer patient ID field. You'll see the field here:
-in patient information in the demographic section 
-in patient infomation, above the file list

-on the uploads tab when creating a Rx

From any of these locations, you can enter the OrthoAnalyzer patient ID. 

Additionally, you can enable access to OrthoAnalyzer on the machines where OrthoAnalyzer is installed, providing easy / quick access to OrthoAnalyzer.  

Here is how the integration works:
  • If OrthoAnalyzer is opened from EasyRx and no OrthoAnalyzer patient ID is entered, OrthoAnalyzer will open
  • If a OrthoAnalyzer patient ID is entered OrthoAnalyzer will launch and pass patient ID to OrthoAnaylzer
  • If the patient ID is found in OrthoAnalyzer, that patient is opened in OrthoAnalyzr
  • If that patient ID is not found in OrthoAnalyzer, the patient will be added to OrthoAnalyzer
The integration is available for all practice and lab accounts.

Status Code (S) column added to the dashboard:

We've added a Case Status column, abbreviated as the (S) column to the dashboard, showing the case status. Making it easy to see the case status at a glace. You'll see the S column on these tabs to the left of your dashboard:
  • Submitted
  • Checked In
  • Shipped
  • Received 
  • Needed soon:
  • Appointment Date:

The codes stand for if a case is: 
  • S=Submitted
  • C=Checked-In
  • D=Completed
  • P=Shipped
  • R=Received
  • D=Delivered
Also, we added mouse over help to make it easy to identify the codes.Cases that are Received and Delivered preside over the status of the case being Checked-in, Completed, or Shipped. 

An example is lets say a case is currently shown as Submitted, if you/your staff mark a case as Received. The status code will be R instead of S. This is very helpful in the event that lets say your in-house lab forgets to update a case as being Completed but you've already marked it as Received. The status code takes the most up-to-date info into consideration.

You can sort the column by clicking on the S to sort ascending / descending

Print label (beta)
We've added a new print label option.  This can be found on the view prescription screen.  

The print label option is designed to print a label that can placed on plaster models or on a bag the plaster models are enclosed. The receiving lab can scan the bar code using any USB or wireless bar code scanner to open the prescription in EasyRx!

For more information, please review the 
Print Label KB article

iTero Integration changes

As a general note, the iTero integration calls for EasyRx to use the iTero "Case Order ID" from the iTero scan that are being entered by its users. We found that some users were accidentally entering an "Order details ID" or the "Order Code" or the iTero "Patient ID" number in this box. This was resulting in EasyRx not being able to auto-attach the scans. We've released this super handy enhancement to make sure you have the correct number.
  • We've made a few changes to our iTero integration
  • We have added a [Validate ID] next to the iTero case order ID field, when clicked, the case order ID is validated
  • When entering the iTero Case Order ID number, you can hit [Enter] to validate the case order ID -- this will result in telling you the Patient Name that the scan belongs to before you proceed to submit the case. Ensuring you have the correct # for EasyRx to auto-attach the scans to the Rx.

  • From the Checkout page, you can now enter and validate the iTero case order ID. If you don't enter the case order ID from the uploads tab, you can now enter from the Checkout page:

Miscellaneous fixes and tweak
If comments are entered in bullet format, they now display and print in bullet list format

  • If "Other source" is selected as the model source on the Checkout page, you are now required to enter information about the source of the model to comment to the lab where the model source should be found. 

We tweaked the language when entering package tracking information.  
​For practices,
  • If an outgoing package tracking number is entered, the label says "Track Outgoing Package"
  • For incoming packages where the lab entered the tracking number, the label says "Track Incoming Package"

For lab,
  • If a practice entered package tracking number, the label says "Track Incoming Package"
  • If the lab enters package tracking information, the label says "Track Incoming Package"
  • Also, the tracking number is displayed and is clickable to track the package from UPS, FedEx or USPS

  • We've added a indicator on the dashboard when the case has a clinical notification:
  • You can now sort the doctor list in Account Settings. Especially handy for installations with numerous doctors, like schools or teaching institutions.
  • We fixed a bug where cases in a non-shipped (checked-in or just Submitted) status showed on the Shipped tab on the dashboard.
  • We've added a warning message when deleting tags from the master list to let the user know that deleting the tag removes the tag entirely off the account / removes the tag from all tagged Rx's with that specific tag
  • For lab accounts, we fixed a bug on the Template page where pages after the first page did not load properly
  • We fixed a bug where the Account Settings menu options did not show in blue (Per Script and Standard accounts only)
  • We fixed a bug where [save] and [proceed to submit] did not display when opening a saved indirect bonding case
  • We fixed a bug where practice added tags were removed if a lab also tagged the case
  • We fixed a bug with the date fields on the needed by date filter on the dashboard was returning 'invalid date range' when a logical date range was entered
  • We fixed a bug where lab created cases did not show on the practice dashboard if the date filter was not set to [All]
  • We fixed a bug where existing tags were not available when creating templates for in-house labs
  • We fixed a bug where the [<<] and [>>] icons were missing from the pop-up calendars when trying to change between months
  • We fixed a bug where the green border around the date needed date on the calander did not show in Firefox when a lab has a required "minimum needed by date" activated

EasyRx 3D
We continue to refine EasyRx 3D.  We've released the following changes
  • When using EasyModelTrim, when you have completed the new trim path (visually shown when path highlights entirely green for a few seconds), EasyModelTrim now automatically marks as Complete
  • Improvements to trimming and basing SureSmile STL files
  • EasyRx 3D now supports trimming and basing Sirona/CEREC files
  • Trim points no longer show on EasyRx based files
  • EasyFS now shows patients folder instead of prescriptions when logged in as an EasyRx commercial lab
  • We've increased the height of embossed labels on hollow models
  • We've improved our support of 3D editing iTero iCast files
Recently Added Parts and Appliances
We've added a few new parts and appliances.
  • Fixed Palatal Expander
  • Fixed Palatal Expander with Hooks
  • HAAS Palatal Separator w/ Arms
  • VECS Palate Expander
  • Full Occlusal Coverage
  • Miranda TPA
  • Essix Retainer - Upper and Lower parts added
  • Tongue Spur - The Tongue Spur can now be placed on the upper and lower
  • 10MM Buccal Tube - No Hooks

Visit the KB: Recently Added Parts and Appliances for more information

We wish everyone a wonderful and relaxing Happy Thanksgiving!

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