Software Enhancements, Updates and Bug Fixes - 2022

Software Enhancements, Updates and Bug Fixes - 2022

Software Enhancements, Updates, and Bug Fixes - 2022

This is a summary of the exciting new changes and corrections introduced in 2022.  This KB is updated as each update is released.    If there is something in particular that you are looking for, you can search for a keyword on this page by clicking CTRL F on Windows, or Command F on Macs.

Visit the EasyRx Updates and Information KB Section in the Help Center to access all previous What's New KB articles

As always, we're available to help and answer questions.

The EasyRx Team


Enhancement: Practice users can create a prescription from the Patient Manager now

Practice users can now create a prescription directly from the Patient Manager now instead of having to view the patient profile then create a prescription. 

New Part: Pre-Activated Expander

Enhancement: Date submitted now prints on the Rx 

Maintenance : UPS Worldship integration 

We enhanced our shipping integration with UPS Wordlship to better handle cases where laboratories are shipping directly to the patients

Maintnance : Laboratory Enterprise Shipping workflow 

The myDay page for enterprise laboratories had maintenance code to better group ship to patient cases mixed with ship to office locations.

Maintenance: Doctor API method updated 

Our doctor api method can now update the doctor id.  

Maintenance: Create Practice API updated

The doctor_ids were being ignored while creating a practice this has been fixed. 

Maintenance: Email bounce reporting 

Our email reporting system will now record reasons why emails get bounced back to us to better assist in trouble shooting situations. 

Bug Fix : Quick changes wouldn't save on the edit prescription laboratory view

At rare times where users would quickly modify a prescription and navigate away quickly changes would not stick. We since then made fixes to catch any changes to the prescription before navigating away. 

Bug Fix: User were able to select dates in the past for their prescriptions date needed.

We fixed a bug where a user could select a date in the past as a date needed and then submit the prescription to a laboratory. 

Bug Fix: Patients Invisalign ID was not showing on the prescriptions

When a patients Invisalign ID was added through the Rx or Patient profile it would not show on the prescription view. 

Parts Release

New Part: Rapid Molar Distalizer

New Part: Full Palate Clear Retainer

Part Update: Theroux Retainer 
This part can include or exclude the lower Acrylic now

Part Update: Williams Appliance


                                                                              Williams Appliance can now be moved to the lower arch.

Part Update: RPE Arms update

RPE Arms can be extended or retracted now like our Herbst RPE 


New Feature: Easy Invisalign Scanning

Invisalign laboratories for practices now allows users to record the patients Invisalign patient id directly from the edit Rx canvas.

Doing so will allow the practice to scan the Invisalign bar code into the universal search so that EasyRx automatically flags the Rx as received. This feature also has a dashboard  ->  invisalign scanned  to track these scanned events. 

Enhancement: 3D Automated Services bulk request 

Users can now request files to be processed through automated services in bulk.

Enhancement: EasyRx 3D Web Extension now supports Uniz 3D Printers

EasyRx Web Extension now supports Uniz 3D Printers. For more info please click here:
EasyRx Uniz Web Extension installation instructions.

Enhancement: Saved Rx view now has a favorite feature 

Practice users can create favorite views for the way they like the saved prescriptions to load.

Enhancement: Practices can set a default ship to location

The practice  Account Options now has a default ship to location for practices who want to pick on demand setting this to none would preserve this behavior. 

Enhancement:  3rd Party Integrations upgraded styling

Our 3rd party integrations is now upgrade to group our integration types making to find the needed one. 

Enhancement: Tops Ortho signup page

We upgraded our Tops integration partner page to show their new logo. 

Enhancement: Automation maintenance code

We enhanced our file automation end point to better handle workflows.

Enhancement: Maintenance code added to WorldShip for Ship to patient
We added code to better support importing Ship to patient addresses to Worldship Shipping exports.

New Part: Pre-Activated Expander

Bug fix: Payment page reflex accurate billing plan wording.

Bug fix: Special characters in patient names no longer breaks scanner integrations

Bug Fix: Aligner batches no longer revert to 0 days in tray

Bug Fix: Rearranged composite aligner photos

June 16

Enhancement: Faster barcode scanning for the in-house labs check-in and completed cases

The check-in or completed barcode scanning stays in focus so you can check-in/complete cases without having to move your mouse cursor. 

Automatically select the ship to location when practice users click on received Rx

Now when you go to mark a case as received , the ship to location will be selected by default to save time searching for its ship to location in the drop down. 

Enhancement: Images can be uploaded to EasyRx Templates
We have updated our EasyRx Templates users who create them can now upload an image to the Template. 
This feature was for users who wanted to upload an image for better reference. 

The images added while editing a Template should have a blue border around them to distinguish from other attachments.

If the user views the Rx the name of those attachments should be in italic font. 

Enhancement: "Edit Template" option to View Prescription Template page
Users can now go to edit a template again after saving it , we have added the Edit Template button while viewing a Template. 
There is now an Edit Template button while viewing one.

Laboratories can now a new ship to method: "Ship to patient".

This new feature will let practice users select the patients address to be the ship to location so laboratories can send cases directly to the patient.

Laboratories can enable this in their Prescription options by enabling "Allow Patient Address for Ship To Address Prescriptions"

After doing this Rx's created by the practices will see a "Ship to Patient" under their ship to location while creating an Rx. 

If the Patient is a new patient without an address the practice user can use our new Edit Patient button in Edit Rx to add this info while editing that Rx:
The laboratory users can also create a written check-in Rx with this Ship to Patient feature and if the patient is new the Easy Check-in form should have an area to enter the patients address.

Enhancement: New Rx Requirements for Laboratories

Laboratories can require a patients birthdate , Email & Phone Number under Prescription Options.

Enhancement: EasyRx API for Automation & Laboratories 

We have added more options for our EasyRx API for automation so users customize their aligner trimming machine options.
We have also added more information to some of our API calls to include more patient info. 

Enhancement: Reduced the number of PST dots trim path

We felt like the PST Trim path editor was displaying too many trim path points, we have reduced the number of PST Trim Paths. 
This should not affect the ability to customize the trim path to a users specifications but it should make adjusting the path more efficient. 

New version of PST Trim path
Old version of the PST Trim Path

Enhancement: Date received is now highlighted in yellow on the Rx view
When viewing an Rx we are now highlighting the date received in yellow making it easier for users to see when an Rx was received. 

Enhancement: Laboratories can now sort by bin #, date & date out

Our laboratory users can now filter their Mark Cases As Shipped table by the following columns:
Bin #s , Date in & Date out.

New Part: Max 2000
We have added a new part for the upper arch : Max 2000

Enhancement: iTero integration tip for new users
We added a notice when users go to add iTero credentials.  Now when a new credential is added you will see message:
"Be sure to save your scans as '¡Record' or 'Invisalign + ¡Record'."

Enhancement: Medit scans can be filtered
Users who have the Medit integration can now filter by scans without Rx's

Bug Fix: Models modified by the EasyRx 3D Editor import upwards again. 
User were reporting that models based in EasyRx 3D were not importing 

VDLP Fixed mapping for doctors
VDLP Laboratory users were having issues mapping new doctors added to their VDLP Account.
This issue is resolved Mapped doctors should have a green text in the mapping column now and a red text when they are not. 
Clinical Admin cannot edit Templates
Administrators did not have the right to edit Templates this should be resolved now.

Missing Check-in button from Laboratories
Standard Laboratories had a missing check-in button on the view Rx
Proceed to submit was missing data to submit cases for ship to patient
The proceed to submit form was missing the office selection when ship to patient was select.
We also resolved another issue where ship to patient would select the patient as the office location during proceed to submit.

Clinical notification buttons now show in green so the white text doesn't look invisible. 
The green button was filled with a white background making the white text in "create" and "send" white text appear invisible or missing. 
In-House lab favorites were not showing the proper results for tag filtering.
The in-house lab favorites when a tag was part of the filter was displaying wrong results.
Issues updating the patient DOB in the one page edit Rx.
The patients DOB on the EasyRx One Page would be set but when the user would go to the new edit patient button the DOB was not updated yet. 
Display Local Time on Script Revision History
The timezone set in the account settings would not reflect in the patients Rx history , some entries were always showing in EST. I.E Last revision history.
Preserving comments on prescriptions
Template workflows would cause comments to be deleted off the Rx.
We prevented this from happening now , the only way comments are removed is if they meet the part duplication suppression rule. 
*Part suppression happens when a part is already applied and the part is then applied again over the exact same locations , the comment for this part will also be removed*
Select All feature on a patient's record does not select all
In the patients profiles we have a selector option where users can select to download all or selected patient files , this was broken before because of jQuery updates.
users are receiving multiple duplicate email notifications
Users would receive duplicate clinical notifications , this is resolved now. 

AAO Update

New Feature: EasyRx Digitize 

You can now convert plaster impressions to digital STL files and automatically attach to the EasyRx Prescription.   No mess, no labor, no fuss. 

We have added a new model source option: "Use EasyRx Digitize" 

After submitting the Rx EasyRx will create a UPS Shipping label that you can print out & also find as an attachment to the Rx.

The UPS Shipping label should be ready to print , the next step would be to put the shipping label in the shipping box. 

After EasyRx will attach your scanned models to the Rx within 48 hours of receiving the impression, EasyRx converts the physical impression to a STL file and attaches to the EasyRx case.

Enhancement: EasyRx 3D Command Center search and filter features

We have enhanced our 3D Command center so users can find all their uploaded cases based on what status they are under. 

Users can now filter by cases that are:
  1. Succeeded 
  2. Failed 
  3. Waiting 
  4. Not Processed 
  5. All statuses above
Users can also now mark those files as: 

  1. Ready to print
  2. Downloaded
  3. Printed

The 3D Command center scaling is dynamic now as well so it should scale to your monitors resolution to make the columns wider and easier to read.

Enhancement: iTero scans can be filtered by scans without Rx's 

Our new feature should allow users to find all the scans that do not have an Rx attached to them. 

Bug Fix: In-House lab Dashboard row highlights working again

The in-house lab dashboard should now display a green highlight again on rows that have digital attachments. 

Rows in gray are the ones that have a physical model attached to them. 

Bug Fix: Applying 2 Tads on one arch

When users would apply more than one Tad per arch the secondary Tad part was being removed by our parts checker. 

Apri 21

Practice users can set custom color Rx rows in their Practice Dashboard based on these date needed scenerios:

      - For cases that are past their date needed.
      - For cases that are not yet received and a certain number of days away from the date needed.
      - For cases that are received but not delivered.

    Users can set a custom color to a row to warn them that the Rx has gone it's passed Rx Date Needed by a custom number of days they wish to set:

    We have preserved our plaster or digital Rx attachment indicator by displaying a green border to the left of the Rx row. Below would be an example of a plaster case that was received , A Rx with a digital attachment case that has not yet been received & its passed its date needed.

    Practice Premium users can how update multiple Rx's at once from the In-House lab dashboard
    Now there should be bulk processing for:

          - Check-in status 
          - Completed (Cases must be checked-in first before using bulk Completed).
          - Printing Multiple Rx's at once

    April 7

    Enhancement: EasyRx Automated Services custom base height

    Users with EasyRx Automated Services can now select a custom basing height through on demand or automatic base files.

    There are 3 different options to choose from in regards to the custom base height:
    (the base heights results may increase depending on the models shape & tissue available)

    Enhancement: EasyRx Automated Services custom Gingival Margin Clearance

    User can now customize the distance from gingival margin to generate the trim line for trimming a retainer.

    Enhancement: EasyRx Automated Services Maxx trimming machine support
    We now support the Maxx Trimming machine with our PTS Trimming machine options.

    This will generate a file that has a solid base with 3 holes that the machine needs.

    (Reference of a model with a Maxx solid base)

    Enhancement: Labs can now require the patients gender.

    In our commercial labs Prescription Options configuration lab admins can require practices to specify the patients gender before submitting an Rx.

    Enhancement: The EasyRx Navigation logo is now responsive

    Our EasyRx Logo is now responsive , the logo to the top left hand corner should now move with the width of the applications width.

    Enhancement: Ortho 2 and Dolphin Rx Description change

    We have increased the amount of characters we send over to our practice management users who have practice management systems like Ortho 2 will see more details in the description of the Rxs.

    Enhancement: Magic touch cases that are written check-ins now process

    Written Rx Check-ins are now processed to Magic touch , before it would only process submitted cases.

    Enhancement: Medit authentication assistance
    Users with Medit scanners integrated to their EasyRx account , should now see a Re-authorize banner message when the Medit token is no longer valid. The Medit API refreshes its security token every couple of days for security , this means users have to re-authorize and retrieve a new one to see newer scans. The Medit setup for practices can be found in our 3rd party integrations.

    Enhancement: New Stats filters by Clinical Staff  or Lab Technicians
    The EasyRx Stats for Practice cases should now be able to filter for Staff.

    You can now filter by the Clinical Staff who Submitted or Scanned the model of the Rx.

    Bug Fix: Wave-Ortho showing wrong appointment time period

    Importing a patient using our Wave-Ortho integration would bring in the wrong appointment time by the wrong time period.
    I.E The appointment date would be 5/12 1:00 P.M but would be in EasyRx as 5/12 1:00 A.M.
    This is resolved now so the time periods import properly.

    New Part: Theroux Retainer, No Acrylic

    March 24

    Enhancement: Labs can now enter a Dental Registration Number

    We added a location under the Lab Profile For States like Washington who require a Dental Registration number on their Rx's.

    This registration number will show on the printed Rx:
    Some information related to this new feature from the state of Washington:
    "Each dental laboratory operating, doing business, or intending to operate or do business in this state must register with the department and pay the fee established pursuant to RCW 70.352.030 and 70.352.060."

    New Feature: Labs can now turn off the blank Rx warning before a practice submits 

    When a practice does not enter any Rx information they get a warning that they are about to submit a blank Rx.

    We have added a new Prescription Option that has a new option to not Display Blank Prescription Warning.

    Enhancement Request: Control if a user can be a recipient to EasyRx Messages 

    We added a new configuration page under practice/lab account settings/config : 

    Message Recipients that administrators can grant or remove a message recipient.
    This list should be populated by the current accounts users list who can login to the app. 
    When a user is removed or added to the messages list by checking on or off the check box here.

    When someone goes to create a message for that Practice or Lab the users available to receive a message should be only the ones with a check box enabled next to it on the list above. However removing the user from this list should not delete their existing messages. 

    Bug Fix: Submit For Review should not prompt for needed Acrylic Colors

    Submit a case for review instead of submitting it to a lab would not require to select an acrylic color it should now. 

    New Part: RPE with Buccal Reverse Pull Headgear Hooks

    New Part: Compact RPE with Buccal Reverse Pull Headgear Hooks

    New Part: Full Palate Clear Retainer

    March 10

    New Part: Dentagrafix 

    We've added the Dentagrafix part to the EasyRx Universal Library of Parts and Appliances. Dentagrafix® uses a proprietary, patented manufacturing process to create FDA Compliant, decorated plastic sheets for dental professionals and labs to fabricate unique and expressive retainers, aligners and mouth guards. 

    Additionally, we can customize your color chart, adding the patterns or designs your lab supports.  Just contact support to get this taken care of! 

    Enhancement: Saved prescription view sorting changed
    We changed our Practice users Saved view so the most recently needed Rx shows at the top of the list.

    If the date needed is left blank the Rx's will display at the end of the list or pages.

    Enhancement: Updated our Compliance Information page

    We've updated our Compliance information the page should now show who signed the Compliance agreement with EasyRx.

    This same page will also let you request your data be deleted from the data base and or create a portable file containing you data on EasyRx.

    Enhancement: Can undo Check-in on EasyRx Tracker Labs
    On our previous update we added the feature to check-in cases for tracker labs , you can now undo the check in for tracker labs as well.

    Bug Fix: International dates now work with Easy Aligner Tracking System again

    When adding a batch to the Easy Aligner Tracker , the batch dates would not generate a valid date, this issue is now resolved.

    Feb 25 

    New Connect lab Enhancement: Connect lab accounts now also undo-check ins on Rxs. 
    Before basic connected lab accounts could not undo the check in process they can now, the undo button should now be located in the Actions menu at the bottom. 

    New Lab Tracker Enhancement: Cases can be checked-in & completed now

    For our customers under our Premium plans we have added a feature where cases can be marked as checked in & completed without having to login to the tracker lab account. 

    New Lab Enhancement: Update Internal Practice Emails
    Lab users can now alter their internal practice emails , these are practices that are currently managed by the laboratories. 

    New Lab  Alert Notification: Practice Has Added Shipping Address 

    We've added a new email notification called: Practice Has Added Shipping Address.

    This notification will alert the email configured whenever a practice adds another office location that they can have cases shipped to. 

    Jenmar VisualDLP Bug Fix: Written Check-ins now get processed

    Labs with the Jenmar VisualDLP integration did not see their written check-ins processed for their Visual DLP Connect accounts.

    Bug Fix: Duplicate Patient 

    We believe we were able to track down a niche issue where patients were being duplicated on creation. 
    Patient duplication should no longer occur under network latency. 
    Bug Fix: Adding templates from favorites no longer throws an error

    We fixed an issue where Favorited templates while creating an Rx would display from the laboratories that were not selected at the time. 

    Bug Fix: Session redirecting issue

    We believe we have fixed out "Too many redirects"  error while navigating through EasyRx. 

    Bug Fix: Models submitted for EasyRx Automation to a tracker lab now process

    Models sent for EasyRx Automation to be trimmed , based , labeled & have brackets removed would not process if the recipient lab was a tracker lab. 
    They should star processing now going forward. 

    Feb 4

    Integration Overview:
    The EasyRx Open Dental integration will be able to Create a Patient or Link an existing patient from Open Dental.
    The integration will import the following patient data to EasyRx from Open Dental:

    - First Name
    - Last Name
    - Date of Birth
    - Email
    - External Patient
    - Address
    - Mobile Phone
    - Appointment Date & Time
    - Type Code & Description
    - Location
    New Feature: User Rx Status Change Tracking

    The Rx Revision history will now track what user made a status change to the Rx.
    The current logged in user will have their first , last name recorded & the status that they changed the Rx to.

    New Feature: Hovering over rows in EasyRx will highlight them in a light grey background.

    We added a new visual feature that will highlight the row that the mouse if hovering over to assist when there's a lot of rows.

    Enhancement: Digest email "Saved but not submitted" now has the description of the applied tag to the Rxs.

    Our saved but not submitted digest Alert Notification now will display the tags description in the email.

    New Appliance: Tap III

    Jan 31

    Enhancement: Jenmar VisualDLP Connect Infastructure Improvement
    We've improved out Jenmar VisualDLP Connect Infrastructure so that users no longer miss Rx's from doctors that are not mapped , the integration configuration will also display to users when a location isn't 100% mapped & send an email alert.

    Jan 21 

    New Feature:  EasyRx 3D Automated Services supports direct patient uploads now

    Our  EasyRx 3D Automated Services now supports directly uploading to .stl models directly to a patients profile.

    New Feature: Labs can now require images before submitting an Rx.

    Our  Prescription Options now has a new feature : Require Images , which will let labs require a specific amount of images uploaded to the prescription for case submission.

    New Feature: VisualDLP Integration now visual shows if a practice is not mapped.
    For labs who have the VisualDLP integration:

    The VDLP Setup will now show offices and doctors that are not 100% linked in EasyRx Lab accounts in red & green when they are all setup. 

    Jan 13

    New Feature: Administrators can now reply , save & delete all user messages
     The account Administrators can now view all messages in their  Inbox using the new 
    " Show messages for all users" checkbox.

    New 3D Feature: Edit Trim Path

    This will allow users to edit the PTS File paths , part of supporting this feature is that we will preserve the models occlusions. 
    The new Trim Path Editor can be found once the user goes to edit a Auto based file an Edit Trim path section on the right hand side of the editor should be presented:

    After that you should be able to left click & hold each point of choice 

    If you would like to move multiple points at once to adjust a line near molars collectively. You can hold shift & click on a starting point and an ending point while holding the shift button. After the two start & end points are selected any point in between the two green points that you left click , hold & drag the rest of the points should move collectively with the final third dot acting as an anchor point. Once all your PTS Path changes are made , click save changes & continue editing your auto base file. 

    Jan 6

    Bug Fix: Manually adjusting Easy Aligner tracker dates would return an invalid date
    An invalid date was showing for users who had US date format set and they toggled the Delivery Date field from manual to automatically calculated.

    Bug Fix:  Custom Aligner Fields can now be sorted again
    Custom Aligner Fields could not be sorted before , users would go to sort them but the sorting wasn't changing. 

    These fields are helpful to add extra fields to the Easy Aligner tracker forms for labs. 

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